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Everything posted by Planet

  1. fredyama - Still benches with ASUS from time to time OnePageBook - Working for Team Group now TiN - Too busy with metrology gear Gautam GHZ Kayl Fr3ak runmc saaya 3oh6 gomeler
  2. Great job by Carlow, Pro and Dinos
  3. #teamdeportsofia Fixed for you. Only reason its full is because he stocked it with all warm beer. Who wants to drink a warm beer?
  4. Nice job but sorry need to report your results no photo of beer fridge
  5. Planet

    Computex 2016

    Hmm not sure if I can make Computex this year :-P
  6. I dont think you addressed his main concern.
  7. You know the Corsair party will be epic
  8. Nobody asked you kanga.... If you didn't live in shitty Florida it wouldn't take 24 hours. Could be 15 hours if you lived in NJ/NY and flew out of JFK
  9. How about $3.50 shipped to Taiwan for both?
  10. I think he looks more like a drop bear.
  11. I'll give you 1 dollar more than Straponzi
  12. Nice score sofos on some old HW. I wasn't in Greece and I must not be related to him because *Insert comment about fridge here*.
  13. Can we no longer allow Splave on here pretty please!
  14. Beer fridge is empty meaning its dead. When is he not? No more outings for sofos if he can't fill the fridge.
  15. Who invited Sofos and Massman?
  16. Fill the beer fridge SPD magic!
  17. So why was Cookies score removed previously when he ran without a scope?
  18. Fester Not saying your score isn't legit, but there was what 11 guys benching no way that 2 judges can watch everybody. Massman was also the one that made the rule about scopes for X99.
  19. So are all of the memory scores being removed because no scope?
  20. No beer fridge shot? It must be all the good karma from filling the fridge! Good job
  21. Bad Attitude and Bad Efficiency. Fill the beer fridge
  22. Congrats Sofo's looks like they should rename it the Z97 SOFOs LN2 I thought Opa was greek BOOOM!
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