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Everything posted by Rasparthe

  1. I was confused on this also, wiki doesn't list Fury Pro as a Rage card at all, only the MAXX https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_AMD_graphics_processing_units#Rage_Series And this old review seems to infer that Fury Pro = Rage Pro http://www.tomshardware.com/reviews/ati-rage-fury-pro-review,133.html So really not sure how to approach the stage, well other than use a Fury MAXX I guess.
  2. Has this been discussed? It would make quite a difference if your team has a great deal of Ambient OC compared to Extreme. In fact, you could see a situation where a team might discourage its members from going Extreme.
  3. This idea looks like further proof that the Global points system is pretty broken. I can understand the need to foster recognition for the largest segment of the overclocking community but I think the problem is that the global points awarded to Extreme subs is too high (or at least counts to heavily to your ranking). Instead of trying to come up with a points algorithm that provides additional points for lesser scores why not just adjust the amount your globals count towards your total. You know my views on globals already but you could just as easily use only a percentage of your total globals in the rankings based on which league your in. Elite - all globals - no hardware (cause why not, this is my post and I can put any flights of fancy of I want in it) Extreme - 50% globals + hardware points Enthusiast - 100% globals + hardware points Novice - 150% globals + hardware points Rookie - 200% globals + hardware points I just picked these numbers out of the air, but the point being you don't have to add new headers and classes to the layout to get the same effect. Adjust them how ever you want, as K404 has said its all psychology. Under either system, if a score pops up on the Top submissions and everyone clicks it, their will be an (and this is unfortunate) eye roll, and 'oh just an air sub', no matter how many points are given it. One good idea though, get rid of the "New Challenges" tab and put in "New Ambient" one.
  4. I understand what you are getting at and I always applaud having a wider range of CPUs to choose from, believe me, that is my entire crusade. I can just understand why it will not be allowed since you would have to have another whole layer of restrictions. If you allow 771 chips you would have to then make a rule to limit that its only 771 chips on 775 motherboards (if the engine would even allow that) which means enforcing a rule that you must put your motherboard in the system specs on submission. Or you would have to allow 771 motherboards but try and moderate manually if its a dual socket 771 or not. It just seems messy just to allow 771 chips which are essentially 775 chips but cheaper. I would be all for allowing 771 chips to participate but I can see the logistical chaos that doing so would create. If the mods don't mind the extra work, I have a few 771 chips that I can certainly take for a little spin. I just wouldn't want to see the stage taken by a dual socket 771 setup with little to no effort.
  5. Because it would allow dual socket systems that will make using 775 chips pointless. Many of those systems don't even allow overclocking, and THAT isn't the overclocking way... by definition.
  6. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soft_launch Whatever you do, do not look up at Urban Dictionary..... just saying.
  7. Not any more, but that is the way the stage was designed. I would argue that if a team was created one day before the competition, it might be the ONLY stage it had a chance of winning. The other 29 stages are heavily biased towards large teams, lots of hardware/sponsored teams, and those teams that are able to gather and share LN2 costs, etc. Should we start handicapping teams that have an advantage in some way. Perhaps if a team is based in a small country, perhaps of 132,000 square kilometers, they should get an automatic reduction in points because of how geographically close they are. I mean we are concerned with this new team being created right? I honestly, could care less if they give everyone the same points or not, but the overview quite clearly states their was a stage that was time sensitive. If a team missed that clue, followed by the fact that only one stage was open, then why complain about it now? Sour grapes?
  8. Are you boycotting the stage then? Why not get a score up while there are still some good points to be had? I mean its not F1 racing, TechSweden hasn't won it already. I'm pretty sure it was intentional so I don't see it getting changed.
  9. I just thought it was an anti-sandbagging stage. 1 stage out of 30 isn't serious, and to be fair, the description did say that there were stages that are time sensitive. I believe the exact wording was "and some require immediate attention".
  10. As many as you like, the engine will only recognize the best score (or the lowest I suppose for those stages)
  11. Thanks Noxinite! Took me awhile to find a program that would allow me to go that low. GPU Tool FTW!
  12. Are the starting dates also staggered? Getting this one... EDIT: Sorry, in the Stage 1.1 CPUz Intel Lowest Clock stage.
  13. I'm a little confused on the start date... its says opens July 15, but details and overview won't be out until Aug 1? Are we able to submit scores for July 15 or no?
  14. That was about a hundred runs just to beat your score, kept seeing that damn red 'X'
  15. Got a surprise package in the mail today... Thanks Massman! Didn't expect that at all, looks good next to my LN2 certificate from the World Tour!
  16. Pow! Terminator strikes again Nicely done!
  17. Thanks, much appreciated!
  18. You too Scotty, I got lucky with a good chip but I wish I had your efficiency. Hopefully next round is just as interesting. Congrats to everyone on a great competition.
  19. Trying, trying, but board needs mods and will have to get to them later, there is more in this chip.
  20. Yes, nice chip too bad I'm such an amateur at 462 and I doubt I can really do it justice, but we will see.
  21. Major frustration, can't get Lobby to run even at stock.... ready to smash that fellow right in the sunglasses! Might have to resort to Win 7!
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