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Everything posted by Rasparthe

  1. Gateway motherboard SJV50TR http://valid.canardpc.com/w9ebc7 Thanks!
  2. Ahh, didn't realize the CPUz validations could be fudged like that, well that would make it fairly pointless then.
  3. Any thoughts on reworking the point structure memory? Seems like it would be a little more accurate to have more than just a hardware records based on each platform. What about World Record points for each platform but hardware points split up based on CL? Each platform split up among the relevant CAS latency, kind of like cores for a multi-core benchmark like Wprime. Comments?
  4. I think Stage 1 is limited to Slot 1 processors, making the adapter illegal since you would be using a Socket 370 processor. Stage 2 you could use it, only limited to Pentium 3 processors. My question is about Stage 2 though, are only x800 graphics cards allowed or all x8xx cards allowed (x850, etc)?
  5. It would be appreciated if this could be confirmed. I've a stockpile of stuff that I'm holding in case a stage in Team Cup requires them, but want to sell it off if there is no real expected start date for the competition.
  6. Thanks for the explanation, much appreciated.
  7. I'm not saying I disagree with you since the eventual progression means you will see sub 1sec times, but I'm not seeing how it hurts? The length of the benchmark ties into how highly respected the hobby is?
  8. Although it would have been interesting to see s478 against 939 in the GPU stage....
  9. Well it made it to the competition tab on the home page but missing all the limitations except Stage1? Teaser?
  10. Thanks! Tough competition in this division. Can't wait to see Round limitations for the next one.
  11. Congrats everyone, great competition
  12. Very nice! Any chance for 478/754/939? Although this could mean my already dry eBay account will take more hits just to try and get into these lists....
  13. The overview page and the stage pages are different. For the first stage is Socket 478 allowed? Or is this strictly a 939 competition?
  14. See now that is awesome, would it be hard to make a page that allows anyone to pick any socket and see a list like that?
  15. http://oc-esports.io/#!/round/osibs_round1 Looks like its coming!
  16. How would an oldschool ranking be different than the hardware masters? In order to do well in Hardware Masters you usually are using lots of old school tech, unless you mean to restrict the amount of subs like in XOC and such. Maybe what is needed isn't another ranking but just away to show off those that are excellent in their field. A Hall of Fame page? Showing the members with the most hardware points in any socket/GPU series, maybe the page displays by default the sockets/GPU series with the most subs but can be arranged into some preset tabs (Newest generation/Old School/AMD/Intel/AGP/user defined?). At the very least it would give another thing for guys to try and achieve. I mean who is the number 1 overclocker in Socket 7 anyway? But I'm a fan of competition series too, so all good here.
  17. Isn't there a typo in the banner? Should read: Old School is the ONLY School! Interestingly enough, I just happened to have found myself A8N SLI Premium...coincidence, hell no that's fate my friends.
  18. No way to raise frequency in BIOS, use SETFSB PE11-LA add on.
  19. Awesome! You da man.
  20. Soyo P4VGA http://www.motherboard.cz/mb/soyo/SY-P4VGA.htm http://valid.canardpc.com/c0xkiy My thanks!
  21. Thanks guys, and Genieben, the 'trick' works. Odd that it shows blank to start but as long as I can workaround its all good.
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