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Mythical tech

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Everything posted by Mythical tech

  1. Thank you everyone, the chip should be able to get 0.62+ but I need to tune the ram some more and strip the os
  2. Just brute force by the oc club. If I has leeghoofds efficiency it would be at 0.621
  3. Not yet I am going to try it tomorrow as well as cold PSC if I can make it down to the makerspace after class to finish my ram pot
  4. X265 4k on an old platform like 939/775 Or per core 4k/1080p
  5. Nice job. Did you bin any chips or was it a random sample?
  6. How did cold d9's do and what temps did you run.
  7. My vote is still to fly you out to each and every bench session
  8. That will cause even more cheating than there currently is right now. I could sub my cascade as dice or SS and have it is the next room and then have another system "running" for video proof and it would be almost impossible to tell. Unless the mods are going to be flying out to watch every bench session having cooling categories based points is not a good idea.
  9. Pm sent.
  10. Did you bin any chips or is this just a random sample?
  11. Would a m10 apex be acceptable there is one semi locally and I can look into getting it for you if you want.
  12. Pm sent
  13. Payment pending.
  14. Just one 2080ti is more than my benching budget for the entire year, while I am not upset that he is using opportunity he has to bench expensive hardware because it is what I would do as well, it is slightly annoying that he is bitching about people who are sponsored when he practically sponsored himself by his clients.
  15. Still looking
  16. I don't disagree with 24/7 oc for instance I have my 2200g system pushed to 4.2 ghz but for my mail system I care more about power draw and 100% reliability than performance for running esxi and vsphere . It should be fun to overclock any hardware. For my oc club I use almost exclusively new hardware, 9900k, r5 3600 gtx 1080ti but I personally can not afford that by any means so I bench older hardware. If what you care about is points then step up to dice it can been done on the cheap and is easy to start with and if you don't want to go subzero and care about points then you will be benching a more limited range of hardware. What you want is to be compared to people using the same cooling as you and you are, that is what your league ranking is. If you care about global rankings then make a scrap chiller. I am not trying to be a tool but when it is a global database you will be compared to everyone in the database.
  17. If it isn't fun then you are doing it for the points which will lead to you burning out. I felt a little burned out so I picked up the cheapest 775 board and grabbed my hyper 212 cooler and am taking with me when I visit family. I am doing it to see how far I can push it with bad hardware. It won't get me points but I will learn a little bit more and I will have fun doing it. Unless you are employed to do overclocking by a company your main focus in my opinion should be fun. I bench a decent amount but don't usually post the results because if I focus on that I will be benching what is popular not what I find fun and eventually I won't find any of it fun.
  18. I love overclocking and don't do it on my main rig I actually underclock and undervolt it and use a passive cooler to reduce failure points. Water cooling comes with a risk and some people who just want to have their system to run think that water cooling is just as excessive as ln2. Price is relative, water cooling isn't much better than air in terms of actual real world performance and is quite expensive compared to a entry level air cooler
  19. Am I not an overclocking enthusiast by your standards because I only really have one platform for benching or that my cooling method isn't really 24/7 ready? Leagues say nothing of skill or dedication to learning how to overclock. I am not trying to start an argument I am just giving my thoughts on the subject.
  20. Every one is so worried about everyone else and don't just enjoy the hobby. It is like someone who is into cycling complaining that they have to get an expensive bike to compete in Tour d France
  21. You can run ln2 24/7 if you are willing to pay the expenses. I think ldl cooling did a ln2 loop that could be run 24/7
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