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Everything posted by TASOS

  1. Congrats for this super score. The description of your result says it all.
  2. Thanks Scotty That board is long gone (for me). Anyone know if there are any other boards that can make use of it , or if there is any other usage of this device in more recent boards ?
  3. I am re-organizing and re-locating my old hardware stuff at the moment , and i came up with this device that i cant remember which exact board used it ? I am almost certain it's from X58 era. All comments welcome ? https://1drv.ms/u/s!AvKRuIZpy45rglb0mCpk7KBUmKw7?e=B7UZyu
  4. Learn the hardware specs , limits and tolerance of your phase change hardware and parts. Read some theory ... and then experiment by yourself. https://lando-chillers.com/the-effect-of-capillary-tube-length-on-the-performance-of-refrigeration-system/
  5. Both at Twitter from @wxnod 13490F = ? 13790F = SRMBZ
  6. New username ? Anyway ... Check post #12 https://forums.overclockers.com.au/threads/vapochill-lightspeed-software.1234178/
  7. Nice Phase Change , collection.
  8. Anymore input on these ? https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/content-details/766478/boxed-intel-core-i5-13490f-i7-13790f-i9-13900ks-processor-78224-mdds.html https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1Hg41147DB/?spm_id_from=333.880.my_history.page.click&vd_source=70ee3ca8f464be55eaa0463bd5dbce23
  9. Nice clocks !!! Especially that mem clock looks really good. Never heard of that benchmark before , when did that comp started ?
  10. Phase Change history flashback ... Vapochill , the 2nd best industrial Phase Change system. https://www.asetek.com/company/about-asetek/asetek-heritage-technology/vapochill/
  11. bclk oc has nothing to do with the silicon part. bclk oc is done with an external clock generator chip. This has to be a bios lock , either by cpu microcode or intel ME lock
  12. If Intel and the board manufacturers decide to allow it , then it would be easy. For the now , we have this https://www.hkepc.com/21243
  13. Happy New Year everybody !!! Health and World Peace
  14. Congrats to the winning team of USA !!! Congrats to all participants also. Many thanks to hwbot for hosting and organizing the event.
  15. Awesome result !! Congrats to all for their effort. #Making OC History
  16. 5010 graphics score at that vga clocks is impressive,and it's a valid score with no tessellation tweaks of anykind ?
  17. Hmm ... if that's true , then we should notify cpu-z author about it. I will setup my 990 , to have a look
  18. Never seen such a weird mem reading. Was that a one time cpuz mem bug ? Why not send a cpuz report if anyone cares to have a look at it.
  19. What makes you say that it's a fake or cheating score ?
  20. Asrock website ? https://www.asrock.com/mb/Intel/B660M PG Riptide/index.asp#CPU
  21. A sidenote to all. Irrelevant but serious. Why are you "killing" an expertise forum , by posting exclucive info into a discord channel ?
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