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Everything posted by TASOS

  1. I cant submit. Am i doing something wrong , or is it a system failure ?
  2. Great result !!! I know you will fight your way to the top. You are so close to the 300 limit. Any chance you can test with 256mb of D43 chips ? True.
  3. Congrats An other great score for socket 462 !!! It seems that all the recent development done by certain people , is showing great results. Congrats to all that contributed !!!
  4. Yes , the www.elhvb.com is a must have for all old-timers !!! They host two bios databases , the mobokive and the kuriaki and they also host many manuals for old boards. They sure deserve a donation , for all support that they offer.
  5. The early Jan 1997 screenshot of the QDI ftp shows very few options https://web.archive.org/web/19970130115152/http://www.qdigrp.com/html/bios.html You are looking for this one (with UMC um8886f / um8881f chipset) https://www.elhvb.com/webhq/models/486pci/p4u885.htm Your best shot at the moment , is to test one of those bios that are still available at the old mobokive archive. https://www.elhvb.com/mobokive/Archive/Qdi - Legend/bios/486/index.html The worst scenario is that you will programm the new bios chip but the board will not start. Start with the 885v23 , it was made for the P4U885P3 (it looks very similar to yours). http://www.amoretro.de/2012/09/qdi-mp4-p4u885p3-pcb-v2-0-umc-88818886-486-pci-motherboard.html
  6. Very hard nowadays to find a 486 mobo bios. Do you have the ability to check if a certain bios is the right for your board ? Can you unzip and test with somekind of utility ?
  7. Well , the two month period is for people that dont plan to take a summer holiday and stay home i guess ? But , most people (at least in Europe) usually plan their summer holidays in August. Take that into consideration please.
  8. Discounts are always nice. Any link ?
  9. Nice result , but submitted to wrong cpu category. These cpu's are Pentium EB (fsb 133) not E (fsb 100)
  10. Why no Gigabyte Soc Force in the list ?
  11. True The pll device the Japanese firm FANATIC was selling back then as PLL01 , would require soldering to certain points , to take care of the different clocks for floppy and usb For example the P3B-F
  12. Yeah That board with the HIP voltage regulator , did NOT have the easy mod of the FB sense pin (we perform in common cases). As for the 150FSB limit ... TurboPLL only , area. http://www.ne.jp/asahi/simanto/oc/_borders/controller_1.jpg
  13. Well done. Very nice score @DDC P.S. Hmmm ... million dollar question ? Do i have this board in my collection ? Weekend pc-graveyard search cooming
  14. It's kind of a common problem with validations on old systems. The clock fluctuation is huge sometimes. But we always submit what cpu-z reports in its database. So , the correct score is 210.05
  15. Nice job Obi !!! P.S. Looking at those category results (Slot-1 Celeron Convigton core) , what got my attention was @RemiKo results All of his submitted results with the same? cpu , report a dB0 stepping and a 652 cpuid ... which belong to either a PII Deschute core or a PII Mobile Celeron (Convigton) Regular Celeron Convigton cores are dA0 650 or dA1 651 @Leeghoofd @Antinomy Did we , on purpose left that category unified for both desktop and mobile cpu's ?
  16. Becides all other already mentioned. Scoring of first line "Seq" ... is not centered and there is also missing the MB/s
  17. You dont get the meaning of my posts. Perhaps i dont express myself correctly. I know very well what is allowed and what's not. Dont focus to score as numbers (score is out of line cause of the Samsung rapid mode). Focus on the variation of scoring that i am reporting.
  18. Start running each subtest alone ... and re-run and re-run , and you will see miracles happening * and , yes i confirmed that the pc i tested had Samsung magician installed , with rapid mode enabled.
  19. These tests were performed on a office pc , that is used for logistics and internet. I have no clue if there is any kind of extra software installed , but i will check next time.
  20. I did 3 runs within a 10min period with a single Samsung 860 Evo on a Sata2 controler. 1st run scored 1611 2nd scored 1962 3rd scored 3071 ? Which one should i submit ?
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