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Everything posted by TASOS

  1. Are we really sure about this benchmark ... ? Is it tested enough ? Does it produce consistent results or are we playing lottery once more ? I get different results each time i run it ... and i'm also getting big difference in scoring when running each subtest alone
  2. You will need more than cooling , for a proper 3D session. The board needs hardware mods for VRM section and Vdrop (voltage section is too weak). Although , the best solution in an external voltage feed. (epower) Good luck with your future testing and benching. ?
  3. Congrats for a great result !!! It looks like you have a very capable board also. Have you tested if you can achieve similar frequency with a Conroe core ? Wolfdale core might have helped a bit , i think.
  4. TASOS

    It's back!!

    @Leeghoofd The result of the final place from the recent stages of the Challenger competition , keeps popping up every day since March 26th
  5. Lets hope MetalRacer doesnt see this. P.S. and please dont become a MetalRacer yourself ?
  6. TASOS

    It's back!!

    It seems that almost all users have their wall functionality restored from today. Team wall next ???
  7. liq_met is probably doing it for fun .... MetalRacer is doing this , because it is the right thing to do. P.S. Did i say congrats to MetalRacer for finally getting the No2 spot in this Round 1 ? Congrats MetalRacer.
  8. Congrats to @MetalRacer for gaining that No2 spot in this round I made an honest mistake and MetalRacer (as a true sportsman) quickly took advantage of it by reporting me. But as you said , rules are rules. So , congrats ones more for that No2 spot , that you deserved ... , that you were given. Also congrats for your brand new achievement !!! ?
  9. You didnt answer my question. P.S. I see you already reported my result , good for you. You will get higher in the competition ranking (you deserved it ).
  10. I see your point and i undestand your concern ... Do you question my result ? Or just for typical reasons you need to gain my position for competition purposes ?
  11. I dont see that ? https://hwbot.org/competition/Challenger 2021 Div VII round 1/stage/5183_superpi_-_32m
  12. I only had 40 minutes to bench and no intenet in that place. That's what i had installed in that hard disk. But i dont see a problem ... is there ?
  13. Alby , the only person i cant remember is the one without the outofspecs t-shirt (next to unseen).
  14. ? No comment !!! P.S. @Obijuan83 I can recognize the rest , but remind me , who is the one without the outofspecs t-shirt in the photo ?
  15. It was a very strong come-back for Nikiforos. He deserved that No1 spot. I believe that he still has a lot to give and many of his score can be improved by himself. He is getting better and better every month. Although in my mind all those events of the Greek oc scene seem so fresh (like it happened yesterday) looking at that photo with kingpin present , reminded me that it was back in 2007 !!!
  16. I can tell you how , but you probably dont need it , cause your vga mem already clocked high enough.
  17. Not the best board out there , but it sure deserves a try. Get it.
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