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Everything posted by TASOS

  1. You had an extreme come-back !!! You deserve the Number 1 spot in your league. Keep those results coming.
  2. Aopen AX4BS ftp://ftp.aopen.com/pub/manual/mb/ax4bs/ax4bs-ol-e.pdf
  3. Aopen AX4BS-V http://global.aopen.com/products_detail.aspx?auno=174#
  4. If you are aiming for 700 FSB , start binning cpu's and boards also. A really good cpu needs a really good mobo to pair with. The voltage ranges and the rest of the tweaking settings (along with the cooling) will be needed most , for the last top 10-15 fsb Your best chances are with E0
  5. At Intel Legacy we have Haswell and Haswell-E ... and no Ivy-Bridge (1155) and Ivy-Bridge-E (LGA2011) ? or is there a typo ? (i see 2 times LGA2011-3)
  6. Any updates on these issues ? Team wall not working Team rankings not working Team achievements not working Submissions not showing
  7. It's not only socket 939 (that was just an example) ... it's almost all prior to 775 (and agp's included) Not a good idea to set a specific systeminfo version for a competition , you loose the performance advantage. Not all old school members know , which is the best systeminfo version for each bench and each platform (myself included). ok , 2 years after the competition ends Some user starts reporting all the competition subs for not using the correct systeminfo version. More work for the moderators ? should a moderator remember after years what a specific old school competition was using for systeminfo ? --- For the above reasons , i ask (if possible) to make a mention in current rules about legacy platforms. You can clearly see , that it has nothing to do with points. (scores are very low on legacy).
  8. 1) For Old School Competitions (thats when i discovered the impact of systeminfo versions). 2) For fun 3) Not for points
  9. I am talking about legacy platforms. (max ddr2) For example 3DM Vantage on socket939 scores lower with modern systeminfo versions (cause of lower cpu scores) We need a special mention about older platforms.
  10. Hello Alby Please take into consideration that , older platforms in general (mostly prior to socket 775) usually suffer (points loss) from new systeminfo files. In some cases they cant even start the bench. There are also examples where even version 4.xx systeminfo is not suitable.
  11. Congrats to the winning team of Australia !!! Congrats to them , cause they are committed to having fun !!! Congrats to them , cause they are a true TEAM !!! Congrats to them , cause they show what team spirit and national pride , really means !!! A well deserved 4th in a row !!! ?
  12. Is there any chance that version 1.1 scores higher than 1.2 ? or there is something wrong with my system ?
  13. Well ... it's a tough situation. In house benchers must be awarded , because they work hard for their top results and of cource they are very skilled . But at the end of the day , a common extreme user will never have the same chances to achieve top numbers. Binned hardware and special software , will always give that extra boost to the "insiders". Skills alone will never be enough ... you need the means (materials) too.
  14. I see forum improvements , so things are getting better. Keep up the good work !!!
  15. Any chance for a quick fix ? It's important now due to CC running.
  16. Roman It's time to take action. Too many problems occured the last couple of months. You must show signs of life. Regular Hwbot Users , see only ONE person running like a rabbit from one place to an other , trying to do everything in his power (that's Alby) @Leeghoofd @der8auer Ask others for help , if it is something that you cant handle by your own. We need to keep this place alive.
  17. TASOS

    [WTB] [EU] A lot of stuff

    If it's collection items you are looking for (boxed or rare items). I might have some for sale , mainly from my MSI collection of Hawks and Lightnings. If you are looking for bench hardware (insulated,vmodded ...) then not me.
  18. You've got an odd card. GT740 .... with 4GB of GDDR3 ??? You should contact their support (already a legacy product) rma@viewmax.us
  19. Just by looking at the database it seems that the Nvidia are no go. But the min. requirements may be different. I see 256MB vga's also... and ATI/AMD 1xxx , 2xxx and 3xxx series. Just switch to ATI-AMD ?
  20. I flashed the EBED version , on my version 2.0 , 8RDA3I Everything worked smoothly , and the board bios booted and memtested up to 240 with 2x512MB and 245 with 2x256MB I will further test , when i have more free time. Thank you.
  21. Thank you I will test your bios next weekend. Yes i already have a pre-programmed backup bios chip for this board.
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