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Everything posted by GRIFF

  1. But I ask: because if we get superefficiency (XtremeOverdrive OC Team Italy) immediately asks for a test, and when they can do the others do not ask them anything or even receive the compliments?
  2. my best cpu for reference freq has fallen and now it does not work anymore. both banks made 412mhz, for me in dual chanel I could do 410mhz. another thing that I can not understand how Kotori-san could give 3.78V. I just pass 3V worse. I think I still have to look for something ...
  3. but why are efficiency questions asked to our team members ONLY? Instead of the others only the compliments.
  4. For me it ok, but you need DDR1 motherboard anyway.
  5. Great score for liquid cooling. As always)))) Vgpu? Vmem?
  6. initially not because I thought I was joking. Then I showed you everything that you asked me. It's not true. what information is missing? It's not true. See lik. It's not true. See video at link My error. I admit my errors. See comment posted 1 year 4 month ago https://hwbot.org/submission/3550460_griff_superpi___1m_athlon_950_(orion_slot_a)_2min_33sec_661ms/ I proposed in this thread but you did not answer me. Not even in PM See link: Link me this post please. I can not find it .... maybe because it does not exist Sure. As an alternative yes. Never wrote that there is only one possibility. Link to original message I can not post your PM message where you told me that I have to wait for an official invitation from hwbot. But the answer is as follows: I waited for someone to invite me officially, but since nobody invites me, I do it myself. Or did I have to wait any longer? you're exaggerating it is an excuse. if you had asked kindly, I gave you all the necessary info. Your point of view does not interest me. But that of others yes. I do not want my name to be dirty because you can not accept the loss. and you do not even have the strength to ask: sorry, I was wrong. I'm organizing to send Strunkenbold the platform (cpu, sink, motherboard and ram) to examine it. and then we'll see who's right and who's only able to say I'm a cheater.
  7. Fortunately we do not have the money or middle interests, only the passion. So many problems, weaknesses, bugs, and other problems of various kinds we can solve by combining our experiences. In my opinion, the moderators would still formalize our discussions with changes, limitations or additions to the rules. We are an infinite database, even if sometimes we do not realize it.
  8. )))))) PS: russian is one of my native language.
  9. Example from database please.
  10. Чтобы в дальнейшем не было таких проблем надо создавать обсуждения проблематичных ситуаций ДО УДАЛЕНИЯ. Обсудили бы в спокойной атмосфере и решили что делать. А так как было сделано просто вызвало волну гнева... English: In order to avoid such problems in the future, it is necessary to create discussions of problematic situations before DELETE. We would have discussed it in a calm atmosphere and decided what to do. And since it was done just caused a wave of anger ...
  11. Is the last submission for this card. RIP
  12. I have results with this bug, made an 115x3 instead cpuz marks 100x3.5. It's a 100% bug. However!!!!!!!! We must be careful to remove the outdated results because behind each result there is time and money lost. And we as bencher do not have the blame because cpuz did not work properly 2-3 years. Or did you have to wait? In these cases the minimum is to write the annotations in the submisions with explanation of the real settings. More than anything else for the following generations for those who want to refer to different results and make certain researches. I personally do not lose anything but some of us lose weeks and months of work. I'll give you a simple example: You build a two-storey house with red bricks after two years out that the two-storey red-brick houses could not be built in that area. They demolish it. You like it? Are you happy?
  13. @TASOS Accept my proposal?
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