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Everything posted by CL3P20

  1. juice dont get you high as this...
  2. Your google-fu is greater than mine. Much appreciated.
  3. I have exhausted my resources searching the webs, with no luck & no longer have NDA w/ VT.. help !! Anyone with mod info or DS..? VT1103MF or reference x1900XTX
  4. cheapchipswinning. Back to the brickyard. GG.
  5. Respect! Milestone achieved. #lifegoal80k
  6. Intel ME probably break XTU..but no way to run without it. Nice work DJ. Now that 'soft' scores are out, can you show us what CPU will do ;P
  7. Nice results. *would be interesting to compare time with +1500mhz: CL10, tRDRD @ 5 and 'tRD triplets' @ 12 instead of 13..if training is possible
  8. Good info. Sure it will save a lot of folks from ever putting in the work, helping all that dont test subtimings and RTL themselves to get an inch further. Though efficiency wont come from random settings.. so I dont think too much was 'given' *If others made guide folks may complain their mems cant POST his timings, even then couldnt match Pi. Alex made guide anyone can POST/follow and match. I missed the "guide to WR Pi timings" post..can someone show me the way..
  9. Quad can still be faster for XTU.. but difficult to find 4x stick that can push good freq & timings together. *Certain timing can go tighter with 2x DIMM due to training differences.. this is helping efficiency. *Nice guide.
  10. these farking points are just bonkers.. *Back to real hardware Joe!
  11. gonna need a lightning strike to power GPU if freq keeps going...
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