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ObscureParadox last won the day on July 5

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About ObscureParadox

  • Birthday 07/28/1994


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  1. Hey Micka! I'll take the Kingston beast non RGB please
  2. For your particular setup you're quite limited in what you can do, all I'd suggest is to make sure the CPU is kept as cool as possible in order to avoid any thermal throttling, if there is an option in bios to max out boost times / current draw then max them out. Use a cut down version of windows 10 such as tiny 10 which can be found on web archive, and finally if you are able to, tweak your memory speeds / timings as much as possible. Happy hunting!
  3. Thanks boys! Yeah the ice build up was kinda nuts, was meant to be a quick hour session testing H24M for bench clocks so I didn't insulate fully, turned out to be a long evening of maxing out the ram clocks instead
  4. Great score! But more importantly, who won in the football?
  5. Right then, since nobody seems to sell these anymore, who has a slim LN2 pot that they'd want to sell me? Looking for a Tek-9 Slim or similar. Let me know what you have and what'd you sell it to me for
  6. Do you have two screens connected by any chance? Normally error 500 comes when the screenshot submitted is above the maximum limit supported by HWBot, so at a guess you probably have a very large resolution on your screenshot which is taking it just over the limit.
  7. Good battle guys! @InfraRed sounds like you need to get some cold on the chip brother
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