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Everything posted by ObscureParadox

  1. Truth be told dude you are better off getting the later model heatsinks, they were better at cooling the system down and with good thermal paste + the later model heatsinks they weren't that hot. I might have a few here, PM me on skype if you want me to send you them? From what I can remember also it wasn't really a temp related issue that the 360 had. More than anything it was poor solder joints on the GPU that cracked and stopped the system from working, so reducing voltage might not really be needed. At the end of the day most laptops run 80c+ daily without much issue.
  2. Massman has found his life partner, everyone rejoice!!
  3. That sad moment when more threads = slower score Good job as always though DJ
  4. Not a bad first score at all, welcome to HWBot dude, hopefully you can learn a lot and will enjoy your stay
  5. Search the HDD, might be saved somewhere strange? All the same nice result dude, is this a CPU limit or an FSB limit? I've never played with cedar mill to see either way.
  6. Still some decent globals all the same though Hopefully some big scores tonight
  7. It's doing it as a user score and not a team one, probably where the issue lies.
  8. I do like this addition, makes it clear and easy for the new guys to see what's going on
  9. I'm welsh, we don't even watch it bud We watch rugby and that ain't much better at the best of times Things may change this summer though
  10. They don't have the balls for it anymore. It's all multipliers and premade profiles now
  11. Why not just plug a graphics card in and get it done. Only takes about 2 hours to get the score with the right card so stop complaining and start competing!!!
  12. First guy to crack 100K with a 4890, good job dude. Was going to have a play with 4890s over the summer but I won't be catching this
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