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Everything posted by FireKillerGR

  1. Indeed
  2. I think you are unfair. You are smart enough to answer your own question. Yeah, he can make jokes, why not? When somebody feels familiar with others he can have fun. Also I think you can divide fun from talking seriously. I wont post anything for a day, just posted my 222th post, gonna celebrate it
  3. The only person from asus on this thread is Vlad, Vlad is a member and part of this society too. When Vlad is joking, its the same like me you and anybody else joking. He knows he represents Asus but this doesnt mean he cant make fun like we all do. Btw you told me, you want to have fun. If you do so, relax, grab some pop-corn and wait until October. I know its hard for you to wait until you meet me
  4. Oh come on buddy, Vivi was joking like most on this thread, even XA.
  5. I will set up a hidden livestreaming if something like that happens awesome job Vlad
  6. LOL I think Vlad will put Ryba and XA on the same room
  7. so, I assume they chose October to compete against AOOC?
  8. Damn all of you, I could send a pm but I prefered calling Viss, right buddy? kidding
  9. great chip for sale
  10. For sale a 4770K, which I got from RMA one week ago. I didnt test if it clocks good or not. Will be given with invoice, will not send stock cooler to avoid extra shipping cotsts. Price: 280€ including paypal and shipping with tracking number. For buyers outside Europe, they will have to pay shipping cost. Payment via PayPal. Batch: L312B508
  11. looks very nice
  12. Tested 2x 312B508 both small crappies
  13. My question is, what if you boot 6Ghz open xtu, downclock to a benchable freq and then run xtu?
  14. OR send me an offer via pm and we will find a way. Will send a gigabyte h61 mobo as a gift too (I dont have any 1155 cpus so its useless)
  15. Hello, for sale an other 2600K which can boot no problem what @x55 multi with 1.5v It is in perfect condition with box and cooler. Never used under subzero cooling. Got it from a friend almost 2 weeks ago but having an H61 mobo doesnt help me test it So price is 220€ + shipping Payment via paypal Thanks, Stavros
  16. Sheeeeee peeeeeeeee yousssssssssss nice score mate
  17. the 4770K ES 4.7 GHz cinebench and 3d11 physics stable with 1.20v on air 4C/8T 4.8 GHz cinebench and 3d11 physics stable with 1.256v on air 4C/8T 5Ghz on air not possible Same cpu on SS (-20C) 5 GHz spi32m with 1.24v 4c/8t 5.1 GHz spi32m with 1.27v 4c/8t wprime 32m 4c/8t with 1.28v but cpu's temp reached +17C so I didnt test more next step: cascade
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