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Everything posted by FireKillerGR

  1. Just got these. Hope they are good clockers
  2. try to measure the resistance. If its the same u will see that u only have to use one of them. If not u will have to solder a 100ohm between these two points
  3. Gemini sold and gonna keep the old tek. So thread closed
  4. EDIT: its 40€ for both shipped to the Netherlands
  5. For sale KPC Gemini with both bases. Mounting kit is included. Price: 80€ http://pic.xfastest.com/nickshih/f1gemini4.JPG http://pic.xfastest.com/nickshih/f1gemini2.JPG and KPC old tek pot, with 2 screws only (couldnt find the rest) from the old man aka Hipro5. Price: 40€ https://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/318547_108623325909784_5443815_n.jpg Price for both: 110€ Prices do not include shipping costs. I am from Greece and can ship everywhere with customer's expense. Payment via PayPal Thanks, Stavros
  6. Close it pls
  7. Hello, for sale my 2600k which does 5550 MHz with 1.52v under air. Didnt test it with SS because I dont have a mobo right now. Offers via pm in € Shipping worldwide, payment via paypal. Will upload a photo later, no pc ATM
  8. Thats really cool
  9. am I the only one who thinks that the similarities are obvious? failed
  10. U NOOB ... hwbot is 100% a greek forum, even themes colors remind Greek flag This is why we <3 Pieter Pan we need an other thread regarding what we dont like lol
  11. May have one, going to test it
  12. Interesting topic For sure many guys get hw for free but unfortunately the discussion by its own seems to have a dead end... PS. just for the record, I agreed with Moose. He is 23rd and people with less points get hw.
  13. Cool Need time to test mine
  14. L312B508 4700MHz spi32 with 1.28v 3D needs voltage
  15. Exactly, waiting for some Costa Rica
  16. Not really Especially when I want it for Pro OC Cup
  17. Will have to pay in order to ship from Greece to Italy (or somewhere else) returning of course will not cost me anything
  18. Ah idc, gonna sell it. RMA will cost 20€ shipping same like selling and buying a new one from a local store. Then I will be able to rma without paying for the shipping costs
  19. FUUUUUUUUU CRAPPY CPUSSSSSSS :@ lol did anyone tested crap cpus under ln2? Will do mine on cascade. 2V... fear-less
  20. WTF????????? My cpu is too crappyyyyyy :'( 4.5GHz needs 1.38v in order to run heavy benchmarks 0.0
  21. Just a tip. Sr3 isnt that popular cause new xeon processors arent unlocked.
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