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Everything posted by FireKillerGR

  1. Me too got visa today. We are ready to go
  2. Sure why not?
  3. Or you can remove and measure individual resistance
  4. We will try for the best
  5. I joined I think we can get in the Top 100. The challenge is to make people bench just to have fun, if that happens we will earn points soon or later
  6. And sold Close it pls
  7. Last price cause I need the money 180€ without shipping
  8. Yeah dont want to give it for less than 200€
  9. For sale card, working 100% as it should. Can run 1040mhz 3d01 with stock voltage. Vid is less that 0.97V Will add the xtreme mosfet heatsink as well. Price: 200€ + shipping Payment via Paypal.
  10. Great card bro Show some magic stuff now, I wouldnt wait for MOA
  11. Whaat??????????
  12. Seems good
  13. He means L310B491 and not L320B491
  14. Leeghoofd asked Roman to reserve the card in order to buy it, and Roman said ok. So card is "sold"
  15. Voltage? Air or cold on mem? Great score btw
  16. This mobo is a real rocket 2860mhz Cl9 is just a piece of cake! Load profile, put manual voltage to the mems and you are ready to go PS. spi32 was just to stress mems, and was run on my 24/7 OS
  17. Ah, I dont think that they will allow us to leave country with torch, so yeah we wont risk it. We gonna brind a hot air gun Also dont know if security will allow us to brind torch (bought from Moscow) into the exhibition
  18. I think its like TBA which means to be announced EDIT: means to be updated
  19. Yeah, exactly what I was thinking but then... it isnt cool for the ladies
  20. Oh seriously, I need snacks durinc benching. I will not survive after all these hours without snacks
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