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Everything posted by newlife

  1. I think it's fair to say the top 3 earned this one Awesome going guys
  2. I've got a razor (Stanley) blade that's perfect for delidding I just had to find my dead pentium first to test on because I don't want to kill this cpu because it's good at low volts
  3. Definitely not delided as of yet as I want to do it with a tool
  4. If you can try the amd 1.2 OpenCL drivers because for CPU's it's faster plus do a quick run first because it seems to be fastest on the second run after opening Edit: If you can use amd catalyst 14.2 because it's faster than SDK
  5. That's awesome as it saves having to do it manually
  6. Result was removed due to issue with RTC in which 1s in windows would take at least 3s in real time
  7. Damn it now I want one of these
  8. Bring on Bristol Ridge although I'm expecting it to clock as well as kaveri but that should still be enough to top the chart
  9. It's allowed and it actually has a leaderboard for non extreme
  10. First off 60w isn't going to cut it as the 6700k is a 91w cpu and it would require double that to cool it with a peltier second a peltier for 24/7 use is a bad idea as the risk off it dying and killing hardware is very high as for insulation the same things as ln2 should do for info about cooling cpu's with a peltier check here and i've been planing to do a petlier setup myself but using one more so around around 400w Edit: didn't notice Buildzoid's post but he is spot on although I've done ice water with just vas without a problem
  11. Given no availably in Australia I hate you right now but hopefully I can get one through a US forwarding service sometime
  12. Not sure what the mod is after a second look but that solder point looks to be for a oscillator crystal and it may or may not have had something there before
  13. Looks like a +12v mod
  14. Yeah pretty much and Australia is masters at it because we pay no attention to the scores that up are up and instead focus on getting the best scores we possibly can
  15. Not to sound like an ass but 1.7v just isn't right when much cooler running AMD CPU's max at 1.55v with cinebench
  16. Didn't you hear it's the coldest running CPU known to man
  17. Yeah, definitely not right at that kind of volts with a multithreaded bench
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