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Everything posted by chispy

  1. Thank you for the heads up James , that is exactly what happened to me , ram slots getting moisture ,water or condensation makes the cpu crazy. Kind regards: Angelo
  2. My good 4670k I thought it was dead or IMC was hurt just to find out is working great again on M6E and Z87-Pro. After last night benching at -115c 3 hours into the benching session everything was going great , so I was as happy as a dog with 2 tails , I did what Dumo suggested me , and I did not run the Ram ( Sammies TX LV cas 9 ) at very very thight timings second and thirdiaries. It ran flawlessly even with uncore at 5120.7 as before it was not stable with that uncore so high , I was running at 5925Mhz 1.88v. core and I tweaked all other voltages for stability and find the sweet spot :up: it felt good I saved a lot of profiles already due to so many tweaking on the voltages and checking for stability. After 3 hours into benching flawleesly 3D at those speeds I got a BSOD and then when I re-boot code 55 , clear settings re-boot again code00 , re-boot again code 55. At this point I hit the memory OK button "w00t" amazing feature in Asus boards :up: , I was able to boot again at same settings and cpu speeds but , I could only run the Ram at stock speeds or Auto otherwise code 55. I ran a few more benchies at 5924Mhz cpu but with Ram at auto. sometimes It would get stuck at multi x8 only in windows. Me been a curious guy. I shut down the rig and started looking with a magnifiying glass at the board M6E , I took one piece out of the board at a time vga all ok , memory slot had water in it due to condensation eventhought I did an awesome job ( or so I think ) in the insulation , even put some Vaseline in the Ram contacts. To end the Story , all the troubles I have had with the good 4670K Haswell was due to condensation and water finding its way to the Ram slots , I have no idea how it got there but that is findings why cpu was acting crazy. I guess tonite when I go cold again will put lots of Vaseline in the Ram slots and try to insulate that part of the board much better. Example #1 , CPU running flawlessly 01 in the first 3 hours: CPU at 5925Mhz , Uncore at 5120 ,Ram at 1338 cas9 thight. Example #2 , CPU started to act weird , code 55 , code 00 and sometimes cpu multi stuck at x8 inside windows that was after 3 hours subsero. from this point on forward I could only bench at Ram speed on Auto settings but same cpu speeds. Conclusion , the problems was not the cpu or the motherboards , The problems was water into the Ram slots :yepp:. So take this as an example guys , if your cpu act weird and you think like me ( cpu dying ) , please check and verify your Ram slots for water or condensation around Ram slots.
  3. chispy

    FS - i7 3770K

    and SOLD , SOLD , Thank you hwbot for the time and space. Mods please close this tread. thank you very much.
  4. chispy

    FS - i7 3770K

    Price dropped 48 hours ONLY , if not sold by then it will go straight to Fleabay on Saturday New Price : $200US Dollars ( 48 hours only , until Friday 6/28/2013 4PM ET USA ) + shipping
  5. Good Luck nachtfalke that 4670K looks promising , ill cross my fingers for good luck for you , just please take it easy on the volts and high mem they are dying just looking at them lol , Im done with Haswell Hurry up Intel and Bring me IB-E
  6. Thank you for the heads up and the good vibes my good friend Dumo. I will re-test tonite again to see if the cpu still alive . Very frustrated and upset at this point.
  7. Hola Goddy 2.81 Vring , 1.0 vttddr , I think what it hurt this imc was running my ram at 2700+ cas 9 with super thight timings as I was trying and testing 01 with very high v.mem 2.1volts and super thight timings on it cpu at 6024Mhz 2 cores only tested twice while pre-testing VGA clocks and on my third run code 00 for a while , clear cmos then code 55 all the time , then it would not run memory other than stock speeds on auto , and even so sometimes it would boot sometimes , sometimes it would hang in bios with code 00 or code 55. At that point the cpu would not run over 6hz and imc is badly hurt. I even tested on 2 mobos , Asus Z87-Pro and M6E.
  8. Well my only good Haswell just got wounded tonight and is dying slowly ,IMC is hurt badly and cpu wont clock to 6Ghz stable for 3d benchies anymore , now max for 3D is 5924Mhz , @ -115c , that's 3 completely dead cpus and one dying = 4 cpus in 3 weeks out of 6 cpus . I will stopped right now bining cpus , is not worth it , they are way too fragile and die too easily + low clocks + require massive voltage + Heat Monsters + very low cb + cbb = no no ..... I can safely say it , Intel Haswell it is a Big Flop. the only good thing are the awesome motherboads out there , amazing new features. but Intel drop the ball on us.
  9. Congratz my friend , awesome cpu there for sure !
  10. chispy

    FS - i7 3770K

    Up for sale is an i7 3770K retail box H/F included. This one was used on my gaming rig for a few months only. Price - $219US Dollars + Shipping I will accept PayPal , USPS Money Orders only as method of payments.
  11. Tested 4770K Batch # L316B170 Would not enter windows at 5.0 on water even with 1.51v.core lol , it struggles to make to be 4.8 stable. Tested later on Cascade @ -115c idle for max Mhz Validation , Very Bad cpu it maxed out at 5.7 running only One core active , and one stick of memory low Mhz , not a single Mhz more out of it lol Hit the wall at 5700. Avoid this Batch like a plague .... Lemon Batch and CPU.
  12. L314A986 My best chip out of 5 tested , I hope it does not have low cold bug or cbb , will test on cascade at -115c in a few minutes. i5-4670K Tested on Maximus VI Extreme using Swiftech H220 AIO water cooler. 100% Stable PI 32M 2 runs back to back ( No waza , no tweaks *nothing just boot and run for stability ) , it will boot into windows at 1.325 volts but not stable for benchmarks. Ghz at: 4.6Ghz 1.17volts v.core 4.8Ghz 1.25volts v.core 5.0Ghz 1.37volts v.core
  13. Nice score , congratz ,good cpu ! Well Done ...
  14. Well done , nice review S_A_V !
  15. Testing on M6E all Malasia Chips. All Retails Batch # _______ L312B329 - tested on cascade at -115 idle @ -108c full load 2 pieces , one maxed out at 5756Mhz 1.78v. core 4C HT On ( No CB or CBB ) , the other one maxed out at 6005Mhz 1.82v.core 4c HT On ( No CB or CBB ) ( but i hurt the IMC and is wounded running Sammies at 2600+ cas 9 @ 2.05v mem and, cpu 1.82v almost dead , boots sometimes at stock settings , sometimes i get code 55 at stock settings no boot. Bad Batch lol , Lemon cpus. L312B208 - 2 pieces , tested on Cascade and this batch have cold bug at -115c on cascade both cpus , it wont boot into windows , it would not enter bios ,it wont do nothing unless on stock cooling , not a good sign. To my friend L0ud sil3nc3 who asked me earlier about cold bug , yes there are batches of cpus with cold bug my friend i have just find out, avoid L312B208 like a plague. We better wait for Costa Rica Chips. Very weird cpus , so much variation on voltage and cooling. All chips tested using cinebench 11.5
  16. Hola amigo Thank you, no cbb or cb yet , im pre-testing and bining on Cascade at -108c load , so far my first chip is a lemon 5700Mhz max stable at 1.76v , will try another one tomorrow different batch.
  17. Want to make your GTX 780 sing , head on over to klngpln forum an check out the recently posted GTX 780 complete volt mod guide for it , as always great work and easy guide to volt moding by TiN :ws:. Enjoy it. http://kingpincooling.com/forum/showthread.php?t=2290
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