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Everything posted by K404

  1. 9800GX2 bios: When I backup the BIOS on my card, PCB0 file size is 128KB, PCB1 is 58KB There are 3 files available in the coldbug BIOS- two are marked as -1 and -2 at 58KB each and there is an "SLI" file at 128KB.... what is the purpose of the "leftover" file (-1)? If I try to flash it to PCB0, I get a "hierarchy mismatch" Update: LOL I started firing in nvflash commands and now I get a black screen when I should get desktop What's the flash order for these replacement files? -i0 = 9GXSLI -i1 = 9GX1 -i2 = 9GX2 Confirmed- the above is right Edit 2: Ok, I made a total bobbins of that and I deserve a very slow round of applause for being a noob I had no idea the BR-04 was involved. Driver reinstall, some more nVFlash and everythings fine.... and flashed
  2. "Excuse me Sir, are all these fans for personal use?" :D
  3. LOL!!!!!!! Thanks for the mention bro.... I don't deserve to be in the same sentence as Tin!
  4. Why did HWB not enforce that a certain version was used, like for wPrime?
  5. Mip? Uh-oh Is there a legal way to get the same boost?
  6. Our best 15 global scores contribute to our personal total for global ranking, but the list has went back to displaying just 10 results again
  7. This should silence all the people who think "everything has been found" Great score Matti!
  8. The cynical might say you're tripping so hard on power, you're limiting your OWN access, just to prove some kind of point :p
  9. Apology accepted If you're going to reinstall the O.S. I think Windows XP would be the safest choice. W7 + 3DMark03 is too often a recipe for trouble on older cards. When you pencil modded the card, did you measure the voltage increase? Did the voltage increase let you get a higher overclock? Maybe you're pushing the OC enough that the card is starting to lose stability & misbehave and instead of crashing, it's not rendering the frames properly.... but i'm clutching at straws a little Alternative is.... it's a really bad co-incidence that the bugging started after you modded the card.
  10. A/ watch your language. B/ Get your attitude in line. I am trying to HELP you. C/ If multiple people in multiple countries say "your run is bugged" do you not think it's possible that they might just be right? A bugged run is just one of those things. It's not based on tweaks, or cheating.... sometimes a combo of hardware, drivers and O.S. come together and give inappropriate scores. Thats the way it is. 25000 people on HWBot deal with that fact. So you need to deal with it too.
  11. Your GT2 is bugged. The best thing to do is always to check the rough game test scores of the guys you want to beat and if you end up having a massive difference in scores, there's probably something wrong
  12. Im not running -174 by choice bro Pot could maybe be a bit better for the heatload I think
  13. Theres a lot of great GTX580 scores been coming in the last few days! Fantastic score Honda!
  14. Thanks again guys! Gappo.....nope! I can still find another 10-15 degrees with the right pot. Pot base was -172 to -174
  15. Thanks all http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=250843297070&ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT Theres the Ebay link for the CPU
  16. Fixed for questionable English
  17. If I saw a girl using that screwdriver, it would make them 400% sexier instantly
  18. PJ, I will bring 2 screwdrivers to Campus Party next week. No pictures though, am under NDA
  19. Will those be the categories you look for to maximise points? Ones where I have not submitted? :D
  20. I like the idea of the "whats next?" button purely for how it will look for Karl and Knop.
  21. Excuse my lack of knowledge..... When you say papers, do you mean you need official permission to be drunk on the street? Or you mean passport, so the police can look at it and say "oh. French. That explains everything. Carry on!"
  22. My thoughts might not be shared by the majority here, but i'll put the idea out there anyway. Would HWbot consider putting a limitation in place so a user can only upload one score for a particular hardware category and bench every.... e.g. 48 hours? It's to reduce the immediate use of backups. My opinion: uploading a backup the moment someone beats your score is, IMHO, nothing more than disrespectful to the work the other guy put in. Of course, it's impossible to check if someone is submitting their best score from a session, but this would at least mean someone can enjoy the ranking they have EARNED for a couple days Maybe it could be split between hardware and global scores, if people think it's a natural part of the competition for Global No.1/2/3/etc scores? Just realised this will make NO difference if a score stands for a while before it is beaten. Urgh. noob. Rule for top 5 scores? If a users score is beaten, a new result cannot be uploaded within 48 hours of the better score?
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