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Everything posted by K404

  1. I.nfraR.ed has achieved zen. This is the person to be envious of!
  2. Retail BIOS have most bugs fixed? I must change board vendor
  3. Ok, let's scrap all leagues and combine it into one big free for all? Thousands of posts have been dedicated to league ideas over the years and same again for ES.... (and they weren't all mine! )
  4. No, you didn't Your life was bliss, you can admit it Also for people who might not have heard of it... Sods law is also kinda similar to irony. Like the scene in Family Guy where guns are banned and destroyed "because this is a place of peace, we will never need them." Immediately afterwards, mini mutant Stewies attack.
  5. We all know that if the ES rules change, then the next gen of CPUs will have amazing ES and retail takes 6months to equal it I don't know if "sod's law" is a phrase known world-wide IMO, the biggest impact that ES makes is that while it is still under NDA, ES only goes to "the right people" and whoever posts results on the day of NDA lift is "connected"... and these people shouldn't be competing right next to Joe Normal. The difference is in the time bonus they have over everyone else to understand and tweak. The sale of ES is illegal and comes with no warranty. If HWB keep ES rules "where they are" then A/ everyone knows what the deal is and can B/ ... y'know.... not buy them.
  6. K404

    Chil 8266

    Random blast from the past... Did anyone actually get the OCP firmware to work? As discussed: http://www.overclock.net/t/749696/nvidia-reference-geforce-gtx-480-mods
  7. The first boot needs a driver reinstall/re-initialisation, so I would consider seeing a "0" somewhere as normal. (or generally wrong values, as you see. 720 cores, 360MHz core etc) You'll only need to unsolder one end of one wire to disable the mod, it becomes an open circuit (close enough) and the PCB circuit "sees" nothing of the voltmod.
  8. Disable the voltmod and rule that out as a cause. I know, 1.14v is very safe, but still.... Have you tried wiggling the card in the slot? Wiped the PCI-E fingers down with acetone? Heatgun the card? Maybe some dry solder somewhere?
  9. http://forum.hwbot.org/forumdisplay.php?f=142 ES comes up a bit in here
  10. Have the rules changed? I thought Latest ES was Elite and Pro only?
  11. Calling a bug, a feature.... is marketing
  12. The 6800GTO is the OEM version of a 6800GT. As far as I know, it ONLY exists as a "Dell R7240." Standard 6800GT die and PCB, a single-slot cooler and a dual-slot IO plate like the Ultra. This should probably be combined with the 6800GT. There is no way to tell them apart. GPU-Z calls them both "6800 series"
  13. K404

    Intel RMA question

    I have a taste for expensive luxuries. A clear conscience being one of the most extravagant :D
  14. The system memory MHz box doesn't appear. I submitted an AM3 result, then pre-populated the next submissions from that result, which has different RAM MHz. Definitely a bug that needs fixed sometime EDIT: Mobo names and brands aren't working either via manual entry. The pull down menus are/were brilliant!
  15. K404

    Intel RMA question

    Back to the RMA: Intel ask extra questions if the PSU isn't latest-gen
  16. K404

    Intel RMA question

    My "return" is nothing to do with my HWB break from the end of last year That was a personal fail Vs a fail in my interest in benching. I've very nearly had a two year break. Also... the "success" of my "return" depends on what I can score Vs everything that has an e-Power/A-Power attached. Maybe no-one will notice when I start benching again, though I do have a few to submit from some air & water fun I've had over the last couple weeks. One thing at a time though, I should get this RMA sorted
  17. K404

    Intel RMA question

    Thankyou There are still some projects i'd like to see completed... maybe one day/month/year
  18. K404

    Intel RMA question

    Was on a break, been toying with hardware the last week or so, remembering a few things. One thing I have remembered (entirely separate to this CPU,) is how many dead GPUs I have Not ready for LN2 yet, still months away.
  19. K404

    Intel RMA question

    Thankyou for the replies Because it's a daily runner that's failed, I was hoping to not....blur the edges of the situation... to get RMA I can just tell the whole truth. Great
  20. If a mobo failure takes the CPU with it, will Intel honour their RMA? (retail boxed CPU, still in warranty period) Thanks!
  21. Really helpful guide, thankyou for posting it
  22. Not EVERY HW-points bencher wants more HW points There's an irony in GPUPi being useless on nVidia. XTU doesn't run at ALL on AMD, but no-one minds
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