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Everything posted by K404

  1. Bump
  2. Maybe someone at HTC could use one of their headsets to see what a 20% userbase would look like
  3. Why do you think it's not hitting its potential? What MHz are you achieving and what voltage?
  4. Take notes, do a review. Projects like that should get a decent amount of interest....as long as they're still the cards in the shops... Although.... cost of watercooling needs to be less than the price difference of 1060 and 1070
  5. This makes my eyes bleed. I *think* I see that the benches are split by DX support? If that's the case, please can they be spaced and separated with DX headers? Also... is there a way to only list benchmarks that a card supports? There's a LOT of wasted space in e.g. the 6600GT list, 7800GTX etc etc and it will only get worse as the years go by A secondary idea... could the benchmarks without points be in a separate tab? No points/experimental/trial etc Thankyou
  6. I think it's fairly safe to say that someone building their first PC will not be voltmodding it and using LN2. Ranking scores by efficiency will need that new validation method that's being discussed
  7. If someone benches within the requirements of league "X" 90% of the time and league "Y" the other 10%.... why not just not submit the Y-league scores? If they were that important, there'd be a league change....
  8. I don't spend as much time on forums as I used to, it's been a while since I saw a thread discussing rumours/discussion/arguement for a new CPU or GPU architecture! Does every new release still get rumoured half to death?
  9. K404


    TOM! Things have changed for sure, but pepople are still around
  10. Bump
  11. Well.... if the benchmark would be killed consistently, then it would be ok to add to new additions to the selection As long as runs are standardised, the handicap is irrelevant Obviously it's only a problem when it's added to something that's had time without it.
  12. Will there be a crossover period where the current way and the new way are both allowed? I guess that like with other big changes, people will have a deadline to submit old results by? How will problems with connection be dealt with? 85% way through a session and BOOM, server/connection problem: what happens? Is there an estimated time until roll-out/public trial?
  13. I'm glad that i'm not the only one who doesn't want to bench with an active internet connection. Hell no!
  14. Med-grit grinding wheel, then high grit....and always along the cut/PCB, never across Cut doesn't have to be clean at the start, only at the end
  15. Shots fired. Casualties reported!
  16. I'd do the same A PWM as good as that has uses! I buy faulty DCUII's/matrix/Lightning on Ebay to experiment with. Despite my opinion of Zombie results, the engineering skills in assembling one are good to have & develop
  17. That's technically not the question I asked If I had a 480L and it died, I would have to dry it out in the oven before cutting it up because of the tears
  18. Which is more difficult.... turning a GTX480 Lightning into an external power card.....or finding a GTX480 Lightning? :p
  19. Small price drops. whatever doesn't sell in the next couple of months.... will be returned to the warehouse for scrap. They trust me, but at some point they'll want to see either money or CPUs....and I don't blame them
  20. I had no idea Thankyou for clearing that up
  21. ASUS P5E3 Premium/WiFi-AP @n @ HWBOT Is there a Premium NON Wifi? Also... why do Wifi boards get separate rankings?
  22. Bump! s775 never gets boring... still lots of hardware points for these CPUs...
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