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Everything posted by K404

  1. inb4 "totally Stoked for this event"
  2. The ones I have here don't fit Fermi (58mm square).. does anyone have spares? Also... fan clips (for 25mm) would be useful, but less important. Thanks
  3. A selection? Technically only need one. Just ask Scoot or Dewi That was f***ing marvellous, though not *entirely* safe.....
  4. There are some quite advanced & obscure concepts being discussed for this meet already!
  5. The main site has been much more responsive for me, I only tried searching for scores today. Thankyou very much
  6. Depending on when, i'll probably be up for it. Might even bring some personality and enthusiasm this time!
  7. Score removed by admin. Reason for removal: Not s*** enough.
  8. Please can "that subject" not pop up in here as well? People seem to be enthusiastic about a product launch just because it sounds like fun hardware to play with...
  9. I will very probably buy some kind of combo, even if it's just for sh**s & giggles and hope it's mostly giggles
  10. Any news on this problem? Still a big problem here.
  11. Bump Still a lot of CPUs needing new homes
  12. Some really nice numbers in this thread
  13. I consider this progress. People have to decide which is more important. The league, or the score.
  14. Team China or Team Taiwan should dominate everything with their weird boards (mostly GPU) that don't get exported
  15. I knew this board would get discussed I've always viewed it as a super-limited, super-tuned board for a few specific purposes. CURRENTLY, it is only going into the hands of people who know what to do with it and how to handle it. It does not have to be "watered down" for Joe Anyone to use. If the group buy goes through, then IMO it becomes "standard" limited run hardware. No problem. At the moment, I think crosses a line for Elite League only. Or hardware points only. The result of the group buy is the important thing here. (IMO) The scores don't matter, nor rankings or who has to move to what league. It's the situation that needs to have a future-proof solution.
  16. Do you have the latest board BIOS and Intel Management Engine? I had a crap evening of figuring that out for my GTX1060....on a Z77 board!
  17. ...if you buy it, you'll be in green numbers
  18. Looks like it. Never played.
  19. Bump
  20. If you're the only one with decent LN2 activity, did you consider that it might give you an automatic advantage? Region matters. Every region and demographic puts emphasis on different things. Resources are allocated for different things. Brands aren't equally popular in every region. Put it this way..... if everyone found support as easy as you appear to have, then XOC would be massive right now. Another disclaimer: I am not on a path to ranting about my own lack of support. Enough of "it" was in my hands and I know why it didn't work out. The bigger conversation is definitely for another thread. It would make for one hell of a comedy-horror!
  21. DISCLAIMER: for most people in most regions, it is probably not this easy. If it was, we'd all be hooked up, sitting on thrones made of hardware.
  22. BOOM! If someone is OCing because they want to be famous, quit and buy a guitar, or date a footballer. Or something like that. Prepping hardware + OS, then benching it, is either an enjoyable process.... or it isn't
  23. I don't think that we should accept any kind of ambient league. No-one runs hotter for better MHz, so less reason to "muddy the water" (*except for AMD 754/939/940)
  24. It's hard being ahead of the curve. People usually don't figure it out or show appreciation until it's too late.
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