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Everything posted by Sweet

  1. Yep, thats right, ES only in Pro league
  2. Hi Ximi dicember 20 finishes, so be patient
  3. No of course not obligatory participate in Country Cup
  4. Yep. Wallpaper or comp. backgrund is mandatory for country cup submissions., You ca read this here: http://hwbot.org/competition/country_cup_2012/stage/780_amd_superpi_1m/ Download Background , here : http://hwbot.org/blog/wp-content//countryCup2012.jpg Regards
  5. Sorry guys, i write in spanish for Ximi, Ximi, en el momento que se tomó la desición de su sansión, todo el Staff estaba enterado y también se realizó un debate, siempre se hace ésto. No es una medida tomada solamente por una persona, todos hemos intevenido en la discusión. El Staff de Hwbot es un grupo de trabajo, y siempre se discute cada cosa entre todos. En ese momento SamOCX era parte del Staff y tiene todo nuestro apoyo, ya que él también intervino como yo mismo lo hice en tu caso. Las sansiones no se pueden cambiar, ya que se necesita que TODO el Staff esté de acuerdo, y eso es realmente muy difícil. Solamente te resta esperar un poco nada más, mientras tanto puedes seguir jugando con su nuevo hardware, para luego de transcurrido el mes, (que ya queda poco), puedas subir los nuevos resultados. Se paciente. Un saludo Sw
  6. I know that too. Think, if "Sweet" know how to hack this, everyone knows Talking about Pcmark: Uffff...anyway PcMark'05, is older, highly insecure, today very few use and also highly hacked, and does not measure system capability, hack only measures. But, if you wish ? so, then continue.
  7. Sorry Guys but PcMark'05 is out, no ?
  8. Hey Moose, this sub. of Pcmark is out of the line with the rules, please delete and run again, VS is too much high. Regards
  9. The rules was already were published Link: http://hwbot.org/newsflash/1859_statement_regarding_pcmark05_culmanitive_cleanup_and_rules_update Cheers and good benching
  10. I think, I want to know that girl...my god, impressive
  11. Here http://hwbot.org/hardware/videocard/geforce_6800_gs_nv42_agp/
  12. Yep Gen, helps you surely
  13. Yep i try submit this file, says checksum invalid in both heavens, dx9 and dx11, sorry splave i dont know why maybe you can consult another guy, like Genieben or Massman
  14. @Zfess you are right, thanks @just nuke em And this category, isnt correct ?, for those agp nv42 ? http://hwbot.org/hardware/videocard/geforce_6800_gs_nv42_agp/ anyway, if you want, request in support ticket new cat. with gpu-z screen for your card. regards and I move to agp the Yurban's submission
  15. Sweet

    Add mobo

    hi, go to your account (click on my account) an then click on "Recalculate points and achievements" on botton, left side, wait a minutes.
  16. No i dont upload this for you, only you can upload in your account, but if you want i upload in my account sorry splave, but i cant do that Why you cant ?
  17. Hi Yurban, your graphic card show in Gpu-z "agp" , not pci-e, and your mainboard support agp and pci-e, cards but you upload in pci-e cards, something is wrong in this, or i'm wrong ? Please tell to us, what card you use in this submission ? regards
  18. Thanks so much kenny
  19. already solved
  20. Hi kryptonian_sher, may take a few days, please be patient Thanks so much
  21. Hi Kenny, Turrican is out a couple of weeks. we hope and I think only Massman can modify or add to the database. http://hwbot.org/forum/showpost.php?p=209483&postcount=12 regards Note: i think new one category, is the correct
  22. I use Memset, or any program that show mem. Aida - well...at this time I dont remember if asus program show this
  23. Yes, this sub. is ok, Ximi you have to use the common sense. Edit: zupernico, next time, like say Moose, try to show memories with another soft, thanks
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