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Everything posted by Sweet

  1. AsadSaad, my friend, use you for this , unlocked Bios (modded Bios ) ?, please send to Genieben or to me or any moderator with your explain for your method, Thanks so much.
  2. Ufff un numerazo Angelo, felicitaciones
  3. Peace and Love, and much more Overclocking !!
  4. maybe your mainboard ? or your bios ? Is your XTU versión the last one ?
  5. Wooow this is easy, even for me, thanks Roman, for 8800 Gts 320 or 8800 Gtx is the same ?
  6. Nice, bright, mejor te lo digo en spanish, excelente !!! Bravisimo Angelo.
  7. Yep, thats incredible or maybe I dont understand x18 = x26 merry Xtmas
  8. Merry Christmas, "Peace and Love" is my wish - here, there and everywhere
  9. Now fully installed, works fine between 3dmark's tests, many thanks Gen, impresive work with this tool
  10. :Thanks so much Gen, but in my SO no work very well, please see this, what is this ?
  11. Thanks guys, four hours in my benchroom (well my room) with A/C over my shoulder and now i'm sick Yep Nacho thats necesary by my helth
  12. Yep Asus bios by shamino, voltage fluctuates, despite set it with gputweak, i set 1.38 volt for core, but read in tester 1.36 or 1.40 and yes i use gputweak by now you are welcome Edit. tested new 13.12 driver in this benchmark
  13. Muy bueno Nacho, a 1300 core se puede ? hasta 90ªC se la banca, keep push hincha de Boca PD: Por las dudas te comento que da mejor resultado , por lo menos en las pruebas que hice, dejar el driver CCC todo en default
  14. Thanks my friends @Angelo, esta grap. card no desbloqueò a 290x pero consigo buenos clocks, por ahora con la bios PT1 (thanks to shamino) @Thanks so much nacho, es grato que el mejor de mi país me elogie. @nighthawk gracias !! @Alex many thanks you are my friend and my master, yes I'm back Ohhhh Nooooooo again Edit: I had to use two P supply, one of 1000 and another of 1050 w.
  15. In Real time , I try many times but the pc freezes Alex Tomorrow (here almost 12 pm) I will consult to you on facebook by mp, something about AM3, I sincerely appreciate your support
  16. Hi Alex, i dont know why, made a volt mod, maybe something is wrong with this, or pcie in mainboard is wrong. I'll check everything again, thanks my friend.
  17. Ohhh thaks Alex I'll try with no HT
  18. Hi, AUST DeVinE. have you now a 2500k x57 -x58 mult. ?, tell me, how much is it ? ship to Argentina ?. Thanks BR
  19. opsss, this deserves a celebration with good beer
  20. Yep, Kenny is right, This a bug or a run bugged, thats all
  21. Thanks Moose and Freakzoit, Btw. this card is bad , run very hot
  22. Ufff como está Sebastian Nacho la estas rompiendo con las Titán.... Well done, congratz by your new WR Now...I'll break your WR with my x800Gto2 - Challenger !!!! :battle:
  23. Maybe, give me time, to the next week , if you have not sold, I may be that buy Thanks
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