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Everything posted by fuzz3l

  1. well tweaked GT1 j/k Christian
  2. And i can proove it, i or better youtube has video footage that shows some stragen belgian guys while killing small chicken! Christian
  3. 1024m at higher freq than 32m? Did i miss something? Christian
  4. Oh the Spirit of Mr. 100MHz spreads from Boris to you also! Nice!
  5. 7 jiggaherz without need of Helium and the magic fingers of Pieter?
  6. Awesome! Have fun guys! Christian PS: Sorry for not attending at AMD Event in Cologne, some other things crossed my plans...
  7. The links to the results are all broken. Anyway nice competition
  8. Nice performance, Albrecht! I need to work on mine too but not that much as sof j/k Christian
  9. There is also a New Version 3304 for the Maximus IV Extreme Z on the Asus DL Server... Most obvious New Thing is the change of the Font to the One from Maximus V And it is also pretty Good on LN2!
  10. Awesome CPU! Did you try more vcore and what is the batch?
  11. After almost 100x CMOS Clear presses and 1h in the oven it went back to "life"...anyway competition done, the rest of LN will be used for M4E-Z which runs fine even after hours at -190c
  12. Congratulation to the other in top15. 15th place is reserved for us Will be an awesome battle for top5!
  13. I noticed the gain in 3D11 too, so we used this driver but the card was not good enough so we failed
  14. dernettemann and I are also done with the competition... Two Z77-GD65 do only max. 35x and neither time nor money for a new board. Have fun guys and keep pushing the shi(f)t out of hell!
  15. For the Z77, because it wasn't avaiblable in retail stores at the beginning of the competition and so it is forbidden by the rules. Christian
  16. So massman is not an world-class overclocker... There we got it! j/k Christian
  17. PJ, where are the 100p bonus and the renaming of the profile? Boris, my time will come :D:D
  18. crazy performance buddy! nice result! Christian
  19. 6.3 is max? I thought your cpu would do more than 6.4... Anyway congrats to the 60k milestone! Christian
  20. Good luck Roman and Keep pushing!
  21. Yea, Canyon flight looks too high... For example, look at my 06: click Christian
  22. Nice one Petri Anyway can't wait bench Ivy... Christian
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