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Everything posted by Massman

  1. Updated, Infrared has #1 spot now!
  2. I think the CPU-Z issue is related to changing the refclock in OS. Had it before.
  3. Enter = full list
  4. Hm, not sure what you mean. But yeah, the behavior for CPU Frequency is the same as for ref clock and memory clock. Added to buglist: bugs.hwbot.org/browse/HWBOT-1263 Seems fixed? 1) Added to buglist: bugs.hwbot.org/browse/HWBOT-1263 2) Might be an issue with the url formatting? It says image/png, not .png. We have this issue in our backlog already. An item in the database does not mean it is recognised via the API. Those are two different things. We have a database with all the hardware items (in this case CPU), and then a separate database for linking the hardware strings from an API request to that aforementioned hardware database. So the item is in our database, but was not linked yet to be supported via API. I did this manually now, so it should be working now.
  5. Uploaded the two single core bioses for ASRock boards: - ASRock Z87M OC Formula --- 1.55A: download - ASRock Z87 OC Formula --- 1.83A: download
  6. Coldslow on the 610, I think.
  7. Forgot to look into this the other day, sorry. Could you guys give me a screenshot of the submission page before you click submit? That would help when trying to figure out what field might be causing this to happen.
  8. Ah, you're right. Piledriver > Vishera core Bulldozer > Zambezi core All fixed now!
  9. Hey guys, Does anyone have time and the skill to turn a regular PSD logo into a vectorial one? :celebration:
  10. Great suggestion, edited it
  11. Fixed! 3-day event? Interesting.
  12. So, - no scores with <4.22 will be allowed for submission anymore? - all scores with <4.22 will be removed from the HOF? - all scores are still in the user profile?
  13. Still Belgian "in hart en nieren"
  14. Wasn't there going to be an XS OC party or so? Or is that not planned anymore? (or am I just not invited :D)
  15. As for the APUs, Lucky_n00b's list is pretty accurate. The APUs are by core, not by gpu model.
  16. Just booked my flights, now someone tell me where I have to go to see overclocking! Created an event on our Facebook page (for those who are socially engaged on the interwebz): http://www.facebook.com/events/579362285451859/ EVENTS 06/01: GIGABYTE/Intel/Gskill/Enermax OC Event (register here) 09/01: Kingston HyperX OC Takeover Final (contact Marmott for access) GOING to CES Dfordog Gnidaol L0ud_sil3nc3 Marmott Massman Redmax Splave Steponz Vivi Xtreme Addict MAYBE Dinos22 GOING to GBT/INT/GSK/ENM Events Massman Redmax Steponz
  17. Feel free to report those that don't have the correct background. They will be removed from the competition.
  18. Wow, no pscheck. That means there's probably another 100MHz left in that chip.
  19. http://url.hwbot.org/18FFAy2 It's the first 8GHz SuperPI 32M, afaik
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