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Everything posted by Massman

  1. It's already gone, please don't submit such scores. They are obviously bugged. It happens sometimes ...
  2. It's related to the second usage model for XTU: Analyze. The simpler the interface, the easier it is for people to use, and the more people will use it. If we require a mandatory screenshot for all users, the entry level becomes too steep, and users opt out. We have requested a feature to include a screenshot (like Heaven), but we will probably not make it mandatory for all use cases. Maybe just for the top-10/20, which would affect the die-hard overclockers mainly.
  3. It is just very interesting to witness the difference between what people say off the record and on the record. What people tell me in person or in chat is nothing like what I would expect from reading the forums.
  4. Might also be related to the fact that to be competitive in 3D benchmarks, you needed a GTX Titan until very recently. That's a USD $1000 card, with no possible RMA course if killed as you need to epower the thing to get it going. CPU benchmarks can be done competitively with a 300$ Haswell chip. And if you kill the CPU, chances are high you can also RMA it.
  5. WR points: 9xGPU vs 2xCPU GL points: 9xGPU vs 9xCPU HW points: 9xCPU vs 12xCPU Don't look at the beta benchmarks, they don't have any points.
  6. Excellent benching guys - top notch competition!
  7. All brands have issues, Some get heavy fire on the web, Usually from those with bad intend, but Sometimes no one speaks a word, and CPUs die because. Haswell users know what I mean. Why do we not speak of what kills the things most precious to us? We talked about socket burns and exploding VRMs before. What is different now?
  8. Carl is one responsible party animal. When the party is over, he ditches everyone and goes to search his own taxi, leaving everyone to wonder "where the hell is Carl". You can later find him on Facebook writing comments, definitely having spell-check disabled.
  9. Find another man? I thought Splave married a woman.
  10. I really appreciate your efforts here, Karl! Without you the database would have been 1000x more of a mess. I probably owe you a thousand beers by now
  11. Scratch that - ES are allowed in this competition. I will add this to the competition stage details, so it is clear for everyone.
  12. Yeah, but all those events are in a city where there's actually something to do outside overclocking. I've noticed that for many, the two weeks of Computex was a lot already. People are bored of CeBIT after a couple days too. Campus Party seemed alright, because there was plenty of benching. MOA and GOOC are only a weekend too, except for the grand finals where people extend their stay because it's in Taipei. Dunno if there would be a lot of people staying for 4 days or so.
  13. Do you think people would take a week's holiday for this?
  14. Hehe, I like where this thread is going
  15. Ah damn. The version on the competition page was the only one. It was correct in the overview table, and the announcement. Updated the competition page now!
  16. The AMD FX stage is (and has always been) by CPUCORE. So Piledriver, Bulldozer, ...
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