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Everything posted by Massman

  1. It might be a very interesting show this year ;) Event is from Jan 5-8, in Las Vegas. Registrations open next month
  2. That was discussed but ultimately decided that it wouldn't be reasonable to spend resources on this. The main reasons are: 1) the equal score is so annoying because it gives a lot of points on hwbot (not XTU's fault) 2) the variation in score will increase as the score increases with next architectures. 3) the granularity would most likely just highlight random variation around the "score" rather than increase accuracy of the score
  3. Very stable, if you ask me. @elmor tried out the last version, maybe PM him for some feedback
  4. The community version is a limited spin of the regular version. It has a unique number + "community edition" engraved on the table and comes with a custom sleeve to carry it around when you're on the road. It also ships out before the regular one. Appreciate the support!
  5. Yes, I met with the XTU team at Intel Oregon this week. First item on the agenda, marked in red and underlined.
  6. There will be a regular version available through Streacom's retail channel. I'm not sure which stores will carry the product, but perhaps you can reach out to them: Where to Buy | Streacom. Alternatively, if there are multiple people in your region who'd like a table you can get in touch with the OBT team at contact@openbenchtable.com.
  7. On the note of people asking about how much FPS you got: you want to change what you like doing because someone else doesn't understand the value? I think overclockers should stop listening to the people who downplay what we enjoy just because 'gaming' happens to be the new hottie in town. The roadmaps for overclocking stretches beyond 2020, so it's not going away. Overclocking is not gaming; it's something different. What we (people who are passionate about overclocking) need to figure out is how to get the 'gamers' to understand why it's important to pay attention to performance figures like 3DMark and get more people curious/interested/fascinated with the idea of performance tuning. That will only work if we are confident about what we love and not question the legitimacy of this hobby every time someone doesn't value it. Just my 2c
  8. Has anyone been able to do the Process Lasso trick with this version?
  9. Massman


    Removing the thread. If there's anything that the staff needs to know, please get in touch with the moderators.
  10. Okay, I've been experiencing something along those lines as well. Thanks for confirming it's not me. Looking into this
  11. Set Affinity on a Program Manually - Press ctrl + alt + del to bring up the Windows Task Manager, and navigate to the Processes tab. - Find the program on which you want to set affinity. ... - Uncheck Now, simply check off the core you want this specific program to run on. - Click Ok, and you are done.
  12. I'd say if you treat hardware correctly, killing it is quite difficult even under extreme conditions. The only times I've killed CPUs was when either a) I was too aggressive increasing the voltages or b) I continued benching even though I knew there were condensation issues. In both scenarios it would have been smarter to warm up, leave the setup to rest and get back to it the next day.
  13. Power options is the correct setting (shows up here under the 'battery'-icon, hence the confusion). Can you check the turbo boost behavior with SuperPI? Open the benchmark, then assign affinity to one core in Task Manager. Check with CPU-Z for the frequency of the core you assigned the SuperPI task to. The i7 6700HQ turbo boost configuration is 3.5/3.3/3.1G for respectively 1C/2C/4C workloads.
  14. Sweet! Any performance figures? We love benchmark numbers in here
  15. Is battery usage set to performance mode?
  16. I'm 27 now, but started in my late teens. If I remember correctly I was 16 when I tried dry ice and 18 when ln2 for the first time.
  17. Nice! I needed LN2 for this clock. Also surprised 1.9V is stable for you (was unstable here)
  18. @Rauf, how do you feel about using MSRP at launch as metric?
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