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Everything posted by Massman

  1. Bounty up for 3D11 record during live ...
  2. This one: http://downloads.hwbot.org/downloads/BIOS/E7737IMS.MOA
  3. New MOA entrance design ... looks really cool
  4. Oh, nice Ivan! Finally got lucky with Intel, huh?
  5. Ie5 ...
  6. Can you take a screenshot of that please? Other people are reporting opening HWBOT in IE7 or IE8 gives a blank frontpage. I believe it's actually rendering a blank page, but it might be some other setting than purely HWBOT code.
  7. As the topic title says: is anyone browsing HWBOT with IE7 or IE8? If yes, any major problems like frontpage not being rendered? If you do, any info would be much appreciated .
  8. You bunch of spoiled overclockers!
  9. Using VGA cable?
  10. Not sure what to write here as you guys are genuinly right. Sorry about that! In any case, sponsors have been informed about the shipping addresses. Should be starting to ship next week.
  11. Fyi, ECS assured the prizes would be shipping shortly. Apparently they're waiting for one of the co-sponsor prizes. I'll follow-up on the shipping status next week.
  12. Fixed
  13. Second attempt now. Found 91 submissions that were linked to no team. Recalculating now. Should be alright in ~ 10 minutes.
  14. MOA Competition Day Schedule. There's dedicated time for winner interview as well as a timeframe for the media to interview all overclockers. Cleanup time has been scheduled too, so no one has to worry about the chaotic cleanup .
  15. Oh, by the way ... the venue is going to look amazing! Was at MSI last week attending a couple of MOA-related meetings and ... wow :). Teaser-shot:
  16. Who's already in town? There's a BBQ tonight!
  17. Bug added to buglist http://bugs.hwbot.org/browse/HWBOT-787
  18. Yeah, that usually works too. If the points don't change when updating the submission like that, changing the CPU model will do the trick. The point engine is always triggered when the CPU model is updated.
  19. It's a low priority bug because there's a workaround. As stated above, changing the CPU model to another one and then back to what it's supposed to be will do the trick. Sorry about the inconvenience.
  20. Should be fixed
  21. Haven't gotten around to test that. Last I heard was that R&D is trying to fix the problem with the latest bios.
  22. CC should ask it only the first time, afaik. The second time it should be no problem.
  23. I had the 9A too. I can run 2400, but not 101bclk. Thought it was CPU issue You under cold?
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