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Everything posted by Massman

  1. Oh? Can you please point me to the message where HWBOT rules that "there is no sharing" or "that it is allowed"? I would really like to see that one too; should be an interesting read! And, ehrm, ... earth isn't round. No offense intended, just trying to separate facts from opinion here
  2. "Perhaps the oddest crowd, however, are the “extreme overclockers”." Guess we won Campus Party after all
  3. Hey! No one is stopping you from testing all the beta BIOSes out there! Maybe you can find a recent one that has different SSC (some beta that solves a related issue) and help everyone achieve 1206.8MHz memory frequency! But I know why you are insisting on this. It's because all of Mad222's results are on a M5G and the CPU-Z mainboard tab has been left out of every single screenshot of the (alleged) shared results apart from the most recent 32M. That frequency not being possible would fit so nicely, wouldn't it? ... but it's not ... Well, where the marketing value exactly? IF this was done for marketing, then the message that they're sending out is essentially that the M5G beats the UD3H in every tested benchmark. Not much for PR, is it? Also, I haven't seen any PR or marketing messages linking to any of these results with JL's UD3H. The two results mentioned in the opening post were used for marketing, I think, but sharing these has real effect aside from having 2x UD7 in top-10 or so. But that message hasn't been spread through any PR either.
  4. Probably serving as weight to have more pressure onto CPU.
  5. Of course, I did. Here, I did it again with a wallpaper just for you! Actually, you can easily do this yourself too. Just flash F2 BIOS (has SSC of 0,50%) and you don't need any secret tool as GTL setting of 109.94 will give 109.7MHz in CPU-Z with 1206.8MHz memory frequency. Ah, finally we can go to the real topic: HW/result sharing. We are currently discussing this internally and still checking with John Lam and the team captain. We want to hear all the opinion of the involved parties, not just those of the accusers.
  6. So now I have to provide procedures for ALL bugs? We all know SuperPI can bug out sometimes. I've seen that kind of behavior here, on my own system, before (not in 1st loop, but during 32M); there's also the bug where 32M uses 25 loops instead of 24.
  7. Because I want to verify things for myself and not rely on the opinion of others to jump to conclusions.
  8. Your problem had a free trip to Taiwan as prize whereas this is "just" at hwbot. There's a difference in size ...
  9. The problem is SSC Spectrum, which is set in BIOS. It has nothing to do with GTL software version. SSC Spectrum is default 0.13% and will give 1207.3MHz memory clock at 109.79MHz BCLK, but when set to 0.16% it will give 1206.8MHz with 109.79MHz BCLK. The SSC Spectrum is set in the BIOS and vendors can choose their own value. It can be changed in BIOS as well as through software.
  10. No, I'm just proving that slamms not correct when he said that Gigabyte mainboard cannot do that memory clock and that he "proved" John Lam was fooling vendor/oc community. See post #83.
  11. Okay, mystery clock problem solved. It all comes down to software and clock spectrum. With the right tools, you can set any frequency.
  12. Yes, because it's a completely different scenario. Gnidaol/rbuass were accused of result sharing, the JL BCLK/MEM problem is just a technical thing. John Lam mentioned he uploaded the wrong score because they got mixed up. He had mistaken his own 4min49s run with ES with Mad's retail.
  13. Fyi, this might be related to the GTL version and not the board. We are still trying to recreate the BCLK/MEM ratio.
  14. Fyi, I get the same result like Slamms
  15. Account suspended, yes. Team Captains are aware of the reason. No further discussion is needed.
  16. Is that on air or with the memory under LN2, Dino? Maybe we should track what PSC/BBSE is actually working with what MB/BIOS/REV? Track it down to serial number?
  17. Very good info, Slamms! I'll test the memory MHz here tomorrow as well.
  18. Then show ...
  19. We had one dewar with extremely noisy wheels. Pretty much woke everyone up ...
  20. Damn, look at that. Magic sticks! Rumours go that Cookie has a couple of sticks that are even better than those 2800C8-12's we tested. I actually wonder what his sticks will do on an M5x
  21. I am a time-traveler.
  22. What happens if you try http://3dmark.com/3dm05/5460327 ?
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