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Everything posted by Massman

  1. No. P0-state bios couldn't change memory frequency because P5-state wasn't present. The new BIOSes have P0, P5 and P10 states + 1500MHz GPU frequency. These ones can OC the memory again, but you need to force the P0-state with ThermSpy (which you will also get at MOA). Drop a PM with your email and I'll fwd the contact info to test that BIOS. Anyone else having issues with the 1500MHz memory clock 'lock'? Yeah, issue confirmed yesterday.
  2. There was an issue with Afterburner before. It couldn't change the memory frequency. Since stock is 1.5G, that would explain the 'lock'. You should have gotten an updated VGA bios that solves that problem, right?
  3. There's no code that: - checks your profile to see if you are applicable for a competition - no competition limitations at contest level, all are on stage level A bit annoying, but there's other stuff that needs to be fixed first. //edit: added to buglist http://bugs.hwbot.org/browse/HWBOT-784
  4. No one is offended by a cute bunny!
  5. Heading back to MSI this afternoon, I'll try to replicate the issues so you guys have a good working platform for MOA . Btw, the memory should be able to do 2400+ Tested both with 3960X C2 ES and 3930K C2 retail, couldn't reproduce that specific issue. I'll ask this afternoon as well. FF or 88? Issue was found yesterday in HQ too, I think. All 1.4 bios or some 1.3?
  6. XMP enabled or not? Direct OC button enabled or not? Testing the MOA combo now, not being able to replicate the specific issues (can replicate others). Running mem over 2400 too.
  7. Answer + method: http://hwbot.org/forum/showpost.php?p=194538&postcount=191
  8. Both Mad222 and Hicookie confirm he used ES?
  9. Hey, do you believe it's possible that someone steals benchmark results from a USB drive and then uploads them to his own account without the other person knowing? Or would that be too much of a coincidence?
  10. Anyone tested the 1.4b6 with a 3960X C2 instead of a 3930K C2?
  11. Yeah, saw Splave posting at XS as well. Seems like I'll have to pay a visit to some other office to play with gear
  12. It's an ASRock competition for the Chinese crowd, it's not international this one. I agree the competition page might be a bit more clear. The problem here is that our competition limitations are always on stage-level, not on competition-level.
  13. Awesome, thanks for the heads up Loud! How's the BIOS feeling compared to other vendors? Smooth? Easy to work with?
  14. Yes. Mainly because there's a 4min 50s run with the ES he said he was benching with and the other score with 4min 49s. There's 1 second difference ...
  15. You can read the entire explanation on WHY the decision was taken here: http://hwbot.org/forum/showpost.php?p=194538&postcount=191. You will find a lengthy text pointing out exactly why HWBOT does not ban members based on rumours, but actually takes the time and effort to go through all the arguments and see if they check out. It's really cool you know "the truth", but I prefer to use objective information to make conclusions. Thanks!
  16. - GIGABYTE GTX 480 Reference coldslow BIOS: http://downloads.hwbot.org/downloads/VGABIOS/480refgbtcs.rom - GIGABYTE GTX 480 SOC coldslow BIOS: http://downloads.hwbot.org/downloads/VGABIOS/480soccs.ROM You better say "Thank you lovely Etien" in all submissions with that card //edit: just bought a 480 SOC, made dump of that coldslow BIOS, deleted the Gigabyte one from our server and then reuploaded my own retail bought version. U MAD NVIDIA?
  17. Looking good! Nice to see a third big player in this OC game. Anyone tested a retail (bought) board already?
  18. Yup, i recognise that issue. Use Controlcenter to adjust voltages in OS, that should work (but watch out with vcssa, might go back to default). Elmor and me had some issues with it at Campus Party two weeks ago.
  19. Just checked - no update from the software team.
  20. Saving the BIOS with Q-Flash is pretty interesting if you want to start exactly where you left off from the previous session. Genuinly didn't know about the feature
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