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Everything posted by Massman

  1. This is so awesome. Probably as awesome as the unlock mobile stuff. *starts writing*
  2. Please send the datafile to pieter@hwbot.org so I can debug this problem
  3. Niko, can you shed a bit more light on the OCNG5 project? Like why it was started, who's involved, what's the purpose etc
  4. You better hope she doesn't read that comment
  5. I would assume that anything that's not on this page is EOL: http://www.msi.com/product/graphics-card/. A mastersheet would be awesome too. I have some emails I can dig through! Awesome. You have a couple of free mojito's incoming :celebration: :celebration:
  6. Leeghoofd updated the batch list in the first post!
  7. So if I get it correctly: - you can upload the result via normal submission - you can upload the result via normal submission, and then link to the competition via the popup - you cannot upload it straight to the competition page ("error message can't decrypt") If so, please send the file to pieter@hwbot.org so I can see what's going wrong.
  8. While I do understand your frustration, please understand that the people sharing the tools do this as a favor to other community members. No one "owes" you the software ... Anyway, I see the oldies are available in the post above me
  9. Huh, interesting. On my profile there's always a link to the submission page from Profile > My XTU Profiles. Anyway, it will still work. Just a bit more clicks. So, go to your profile > My XTU Profiles tab, then click on Analyzed in the table. This will bring you to the Analyze page for your XTU profile. On that page, click "Details", which brings you to the submission linked to the XTU profile. On the submission page you can find the delete button on the right hand side in the sidebar.
  10. You can read the full explanation in this article: http://hwbot.org/news/9824_breaking_windows_8_benchmark_results_no_longer_accepted_at_hwbot/
  11. Stable enough to run ... with errors
  12. Yeah, just uploaded your tools. Email incoming this afternoon.
  13. I'm okay taking the risk :celebration:
  14. It means you can only win once; not win the prize in all stages
  15. Cache is limited to CPU OC. Will clarify in the rules. Yes, as a member of the Extreme League you can participate in the Ambient competition. I will remove the incorrect replies to avoid confusion on this. Hm, can you send me your XTU profile? Send it to pieter@hwbot.org. I will check why it doesn't work ... there should be no problem. Can't see the picture. Please link to the submission so I can see what's wrong .
  16. We'd still need the different leagues because the Global Class points are based on it. Well, I guess technically we wouldn't need it, but people will still want to see how they rank up within the class.
  17. Nothing in there. Try pieter AT hwbot DOT org ...
  18. Via the dropbox? Never got the link I think
  19. How about we apply the motto "it's better to ask for forgiveness than for permission" in this case?
  20. SuperPI > PSC General Purpose > Samsung
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