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Everything posted by TerraRaptor

  1. Yes, not included in the average.
  2. http://www.hwbot.org/submission/2460039_ - resubmitted by too active user))
  3. Need help with the following result is not included in the list of Kazakhstan contributions to stage 8. http://www.hwbot.org/submission/2450366_
  4. no ss here - ban him asap) http://hwbot.org/submission/900248_knopflerbruce_pifast_opteron_1214_36.52_sec
  5. Happy birthday)
  6. I beleive this is caused by PCIE 2.0 - I had certain boost with 3.0.
  7. don't remember really - i had lotz of bugs after am3. Probably 6.5 ghz
  8. @ RULE - no, I had another bug today - I need to open new instance of wrapper for every run to save the score - if I run second time it gives result window, opens cpuz/gpuz, offers the folder to save - but after me choosing the name of save file and pressing save - nothing actually saves.
  9. check my efficiency with 5ghz run yesterday - I can do the same with standalone am3. Wrapper just adds some bad runs - not good ones.
  10. I think the frequency was not detected properly. md5 has single stage, so the frequency had to be much higher.
  11. I remember Karl has written that he was changing time every day))
  12. Strong score @water. I had to use LN2 to get the same on GTX780.
  13. I think M6E is "easy to kill cpu" board 'cause of "Max Vcore" setting that is really easy to enable in LN2 mode. Say hello to >2.4v on core/cache.
  14. I have 2 tusl boards - one with mod, another without. This result was done within 1 hour including os installation from cd - just to check if cpu is alive. I'll rerun all my s370 cpus this winter and will do my best all s370 WRs belong USSR))
  15. That is most probably overheating issue in CF (pay attention to vrm temps, not to core temps). Most 4870s were reference cards and were different only with bios. Try flashing the cards you have with the same bios and give it a try once again.
  16. Strange issue. Are you using clean install for CF setups? I had no issues when CF 4850, 4870, 4870x2+4870x2 4870x2+4870 all different brands. Are you sure that you have no issues with PSU and bridges? Why you use PCI-E x8 for CF setup in your second screen?
  17. You can CF 4870 of any brands.
  18. Okay, my fault - it is just written as 5m 17ms. Although it should be written as 5m 17.000ms
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