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Everything posted by GtiJason

  1. Yeah, XP64 usually has an advantage when using 3-4 cores over XP32 only utilizing 2. I have used this OS a few times though with Maxwell (and cpu at 4/4) and seemed to perform the same or worse than XP32 2/2 and other XP64 4/4 I have
  2. Sounds like a fun way to abuse my G3258, I'm in
  3. 99% certain you only need the bios pad short mod, rename the bios Creative.ROM, and use the correct bios flashback usb port. What usb stick you use is important too. All my Adata sticks work for bios flashback or bootable usb purposes but my Sandisk's do not work for this
  4. Very Nice José, surprised I missed this. Job well done !
  5. No, but be advised the vcore/vid is messed up and will be 1.4-1.5v at optimized defaults for cpu's with over 8 threads Same thing happens on Apex ix with bios 1901mod
  6. Thanks, I just try to learn as much as I can about this stuff since it seems to be disappearing every time another XOC'er quits due to lack of time, family, health, frustration with the platform or general lack of respect by those too naive to realize the importance of knowledge. Definitely something that any semi-advanced overclocker can do if you can find the time and dedication to do so I encourage everyone to spend at least 10% of their OC time to learn about things they feel has a lack of easy to find documentation. It's amazing just how much there is to learn when you run into a problem without a simple answer
  7. Try this, I can't test if the modded efiflash will work on Z270 but the bios def should. Also edited autorun.bat for X8eMOD.bin Pretty sure this bios can run SKL too as it may have been missing from my Z170 modded bios Mod_Pack.zip
  8. Sure looks like it will as long as the 6700K is not an engineering sample. I hope to test it out soon myself but only have Kaby 7600k to see if it supports pre Coffee sku's
  9. Finding a quality phase change unit in the US is not easy. The few builders you can trust are pretty much out of the game due to lack of time and in my experience while searching for myself and several others, no (realistic ie normal cost of SS +$500) amount of money can buy said time. That said, I did eventually find one myself used in good condition. So I wish you luck ! Here's mine, charged for 325w load at -40C http://www.xtremesystems.org/forums/showthread.php?279898-Under-the-Ice-Single-Stage-picture-guide http://under-the-ice.com/index.php?cPath=52
  10. Try it like this where top of command prompt says "administrator command prompt"
  11. Good job guys, nice to see Alex get Gold finally. Well deserved, dude works hard ! Congrats
  12. I hear you, was just mentioning because maybe someone actually knows of a good solution
  13. Don't think I've seen one like this. Probably because just removing the caps is not easy and could potentially kill your board if not careful and once off what to replace it with that will be reliable and will fit under heatsink
  14. If seeing all subs is what you seek, here is best way. Not only see best subs but all of them https://hwbot.org/search/submissions/permalink?username=MrGenius&limit=9999
  15. You can use the vga hotwire points for standard trimpot hardmod or with OC Panel. Shamino shows points in these motherboard guides for dcuii hd 7970 aka r9 280x Here is forced 3d bios for 7970dcuii also. I have ocp bios and another but not sure if they are for Ref, Matrix or DCUII ASUS_DCU_II_HD7970_LN2_guide_-_HWBOT_forum.pdf m5e4.pdf m6eShammyGuide.pdf 7970CU3D.bin
  16. So just like my NIB board I bought from L0ud. Here is the factory paste job
  17. Haha nice. It's comforting to know that if I say something really stupid I can blame it on "HardMad"
  18. https://www.techpowerup.com/articles//overclocking/voltmods/113/1 DFI LParty NFII UB pdf.zip
  19. OGS changing the OC landscape !
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