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Everything posted by Rauf

  1. Nice score. But I would like to see a rule change for top 20 global xtu. Just like we require extra verification for 3D, we should require a screenshot for xtu. I know this score is not bugged, but we all know xtu can bug. And if we don't even know cpu freq how can we even guess?
  2. Rauf

    Computex 2017

    I'll be there from 26th to 31st
  3. Last bump, 1000€
  4. Ah, bad timing it seems Price drop to 1200€ shipped worldwide
  5. Hi guys! I'm selling my best chip! You probably know it's pretty decent, but here are a few examples: 6880Mhz R11.5 - Rauf`s Cinebench - R11.5 score: 16.86 points with a Core i7 7700K 7145MHz Pifast - Rauf`s PiFast score: 8sec 830ms with a Core i7 7700K 7G+ Aqua - Rauf`s Aquamark score: 655876 marks with a GeForce GTX 1080 The thing is most scores, except the last ones like R11.5, were done very quickly as I at the time had so many records to break. Like 05/06 were literally just two runs and then move on to next bench. Chip can definitely do more! I have not pushed volts in pifast/SPI either, just 1.94V. Another thing is that as you can see I have not removed the glue either. Some say it will help for some more MHz also... So, I'm looking for 1400€/1500$ shipped worldwide. I'm selling because I have benched pretty much all I can with Kaby and need funds for Titan Xp Chip has a chipped corner but is fully functional! It is a L639G500 binned by Hazzan. I believe it is retail, but could be wrong...
  6. There was supposed to be at least. But with nvidia fucking everybody over with Titan Xp who knows.
  7. Since you have submitted a score with dice you were automatically moved to "apprentice" league. Rookies, novices and enthusiast league are not allow to use subzero cooling. It is a bit counter intuitive but last few years here have been alot about restrictions and not so much about pushing your system to the max... I have never really used amd so can't help you with that. However using an old platform can be harder than something newer, because there is more "support" from vendors, community etc. Software, guides etc. You could try intels kaby lake cpus if you want to invest more in benching.
  8. This may backfire, someone can join a team just to "steal" the stage prize. Maybe team captains should have the right to reject scores done by an "unwanted" team member after comp is ended. Also, maybe to be eligible for a stage prize the user's team should have to submit in all stages?
  9. In a while there will be another round of "challenger divisions". At least one of the divisions will be AMD only. There is also Rookie ryzen rumble which is ongoing now, but you would probably need a ryzen CPU However I don't think extreme cooling is allowed for rookie competitions. The thing is not many bench AMD these days. Maybe ryzen will change that, but until then I think you will find more joy just using the database to find hw-categories and benchmarks you can do. Search for your CPU and/or GPU and select some approriate targets to try and beat.
  10. You see the worst in everyone. I thought I was being a little helpful to hint at there actually being a tweak so he would not waste time on endless reruns.
  11. What an unexpected and funny comment! You thought of it all by yourself? :celebration:
  12. Maybe you're missing something? There are no lucky runs in this bench.
  13. The score is legit, of course. But yes, image is edited because I failed at screenshot. One window was covering the "score" window. Do what you want.
  14. I think this excludes too many teams. How many teams have 3 rookies/novices? We are a top 20 team but have 0 active rookies and 0 active novices. Not so strange as new members by default are placed in "rookies of XXX". The idea to focus on newcomers is good, and to mix in some extremes and elites could be a good way to get the two parties to connect and collaborate. But right now I'd have to switch teams and then I could only do one stage. So you can see that it is not gonna happen... Also, 1080 on ln2 is yet another F you to the elites/extremes In general I agree with Splaves post as well
  15. It helps to minimize condensation. Maybe also reduce wear and tear of MB due to PCB getting extremely cold.
  16. I think this is an irrelevant discussion because enthusiast league as a whole is broken. Some of the reasons why it is broken: - It is pay to win: Buy server hw or 4-way titans with 6950X and collect WR points. - HW-points are broken: You can get your hw-points very high with locked skylakes and probably upcoming locked kabys etc. It is impossible to get 50-pointers on ambient cooling in "proper" categories. - The whole cooling issue: What is allowed/not allowed? How can it be enforced? Is it a good thing to prevent people from pushing their systems by benching outside, with ice buckets, tap water etc? - People are discouraged by the amount if rules (written and unwritten, like cooling categories) and verification rules. - Points distribution as there is no real scaling of points below top 3, which is impossible in enthusiast league. In my mind fixing the enthusiast league should be top priority. If there is no good ground to stand on OC will continue to dwindle. Some of the changes I would like to see for enthusiast league (and maybe elite/extreme as well): - Get rid of WR points. No pay to win! - Equal score=shared points. Mostly locked CPUs will be affected by this. - Get rid of apprentice league and allow all cooling except SS, dry ice, cascade, LN2. This will promote actually pushing your system to the max, and this is what OC is about. It will make it harder to cheat as the things people normally do is no longer considered cheating. Not everyone can bench outside at -20C, but everyone can get access to ice and cool their rads to about -20. Yes, people can still cheat with SS or LN2 but it is so much harder to access. - Handle verification rules less strictly for enthusiasts (except maybe for top 10 ranked enthusiasts). If there is something missing in a screenshot, but a valid link to Fire strike or whatever benchmark, what's the problem? Also for competitions, if there is something small missing but the sub is very likely to be legit, why discourage the user by blocking the score if he/she is not top 10 and the score does not affect the final top 10 ranking in the comp? Elites and extremes can be expected to know every benchmark and read the rules carefully, but why be so strict for the ones that keep it at an appropriate hobby level? It is hard enough to get everything right even for elites... - And finally, find a way to better differentiate globals and hw-points for enthusiast league. The difference between top enthusiast score and 20th place is like 3-5 points...
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