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Everything posted by Rauf

  1. Where do people get this bios from? Feel free to pm me, already have a delidded 6320 and ln2
  2. Do you run with system info on? I haven't had problems with Z170 and Aqua, but I always turn system info off.
  3. Fantastic! Hoping for impact bios soon
  4. GFX score super low, don't know why...
  5. Top points today! No need to boost 3D points Congratz to a great score!
  6. Ah, alex's card. Seems like a good one unlike my two, one pretty bad and one horrible.
  7. Gubben's score does not show up in the rankings for Sweden. Score here: http://hwbot.org/submission/3048115_gubben_xtu_core_i3_6320_736_marks
  8. Are we talking full pot or -170? Huge difference, -170 is easy. Never any cracks. Have only tried full pot once but got the crack immidiately. No reseal here, just ordinary delid with floating ihs and kryo.
  9. Cool, I thought someone would figure something out...
  10. I see some are suggesting to scale the points according to number of pots or GPUs for example. Wasn't this a huge failure once when points where too heavily focused on 4way sli/cf? If this would be the case then anyone with 4 stock cooled 980 ti will easily make it into top 10 even among the elite... There would also be no reason whatsoever to bench 2D. I say scrap the system with global points accumulation based on number of submissions. There is no accurate way to determine the "quality" or "competitiveness" of a result anyway. Make all global benchmark points the same. Or maybe, make all 2D points the same, and make all 3D points the same, but higher than 2D.
  11. Nope, haven't been contacted Edit: ah, ok! Thanks!
  12. As Lays said, there was a post about it some time ago. I think massman pulled some statistic to show that except for xtu, 3d was actually giving better points than most 2D.
  13. From the comments for the rules: "GENIEBEN SAYS: Well I can see why it's confusing. If you use the paid version that displays the score inside the app, then there is no need for a verification link. But if it's the freeware version that sends the score online, we'd have to see it's not a user generated html page with bogus scores."
  14. I had reboot issues before as well. Bios 1.41 solved them for me on 6700Ks.
  15. Gonna give this board a try soon. What bios is recommended? Latest official or any special XOC bioses out?
  16. Bios 1.41 fixed the reboot issue. I can also confir that 4 dimm now work with 1T. Have also done some testing on 4 dimm vs 2 dimm and there is NO performance gain when pushing frequency and timings with both 2 dimm and 4 dimm. However I have a problem with my board. It's probably just my board, and problem probably occurred during LN2. But it gets stuck with USB over current protection and shuts off after 15 seconds. I've tried to disconnect all USB devices of course but it doesn't help. Looked at the USB ports but they seem fine. Sometimes I can get the board to boot after resetting bios and powering on like 20 times. Then it works for a while, but after a few reboots it's there again. Is there any way to bypass this? Any way to hardmod it or something?
  17. I'll take the cpu pot if it becomes available.
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