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Everything posted by Sparks.nl

  1. Seems to be a little better now. I loaded the cb11.5 score again.no point tough.
  2. I tried and uploaded my 7700K scores. And I seem to have found a bug in the site since my 7700k lists as a 6 core cpu... http://hwbot.org/submission/3712993_ http://hwbot.org/submission/3712984_
  3. You don't say... My first OC attempt resulted in a corrupted bios.
  4. This is normal. When my imc is on the border of what it can do it also does this. All chips Inhad exept the one with the golden imc had this issue.
  5. The only way I have at this point is that I tested a kit at higher speeds on a different cpu.
  6. Really nice cpu!
  7. How much for the Geforce 8800 Ultra? Same for the GeForce GTX275.
  8. I thought so, never saw any difference.
  9. Thanks for the input, I never tried any p4. To bad that the tool is damaged.
  10. It must be the version I use then.
  11. I see that some links don't work anymore. Does anyone have a working link for "VoltageFactory by AwardFabrik"? Or something that works for HD 3870 X2 (voltages)...
  12. In the link I saw that there are not soldered e6300 versions. I will check which I have first.
  13. Thanks, I should try my e6300's as well then.
  14. I will have to find out. I was just tying and hoping it was actually working and got lucky. I tested it on my 2 dead/half dead cpu's. So to really test I will need to delide a good cpu (which I didn't test on cold yet because my Cascade is still defective...). The first cpu I delided did 635MHz fsb (after delide) and I know this board never went higher then 625 on the selected NB voltage. Is that because it is a good cpu, or because it gets better temps? I never tested the cpu before because it was RIP.
  15. I tried deliding a second CPU (also E8600), it seems to have survived as well. I will test it later, but it didn't always post so it could be hard to test. I will show results in this post. Edit:It seems successfuly delided (not tested yet) For getting of the remains I used a credit card. This CPU has a hole in one of the pins in the other side, so testing it is hard.
  16. It works great, thank you for your great tool. Edit: Since the CPU ran a little hot (didn't make full contact under the IHS, I removed the glue: Edit 2: I tried an OC with the CPU (idle CPUz testing) It was supposed to be a binned CPU. Since it never worked before all scores are new. Temps seem to be fine, 1.42v for CPU (and 1.46v for NB). I am running it on air with a Zalman Cooler and an Airco at 35cm distance.
  17. I don't know if there is anything to gain, but now it is possible to try gaining some more MHz...
  18. Hi all, I thought I would try a delide on my "defective" E8600. At least I thought it was... Of course this serie has soldering beneath the IHS. I thought I'll take the "risk" and see what happens. This is the E8600 before deliding. This is where I placed it in Der8auers delide tool. After deliding it I noticed the Soldering was softer then I expected. I could remove it a bit with my nail. The die might have survived the "trip". After cleaning it I settled with this. I thought I would still do a quick test on a slower REX (I thought it would not work anyway but still, what the heck...). Oops it was still working! Or working again? Anyway: Deliding it was succesfull because the soldering seems to be soft enough or I was extremly lucky. Trying it is (of course) on your own risk!
  19. Try this version (link). I don't seem to be able to upload it to HWBot, not even as a zip. https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B4PgeLDyLowZZ1RfZVpfd05qdGs
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