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Everything posted by Sparks.nl

  1. I went to stock and read it in HWInfo, is that not the same? Edit: It has a VID listing Edit 2: After reset bios, Offset mode (Auto): - CPUz gives 1.136-1.152v while benching. - HWInfo (VID listing) gives 1.145v
  2. I forgot VID. VID when cpu is stock: 1.155v VID when cpu is 5GHz (1.31v in bios): 1.145v
  3. I have a 7350k doing 5GHz / 4.5GHz cache CB R15 @1.285v (mOCF). On Asus it does 1,31v. 5.1GHz does 1.36v, 5.2GHz does CB R15 @1.53v. Undelided Edit: batch nr of course... L650D401
  4. Great stuff you are selling! I tested it at 1.285v stable @ 5GHz with my Custom waterloop... (undelided)
  5. I will take nr. 3.
  6. I was wondering how hard I need Windows 10 64b to give me the best possible scores. I was testing Windows 7 64b and got 6688 max (here a screenshot of a lesser score): I ran all scores after a complete bios reset, no optimizations in bios were made. I ran 61xx, 6497, 6503, 6537, 6686,6686,6688, 6688, 6686 (in a row). Edit: Since this score seems to in the middle of 4.8-5GHz runs I was wondering what Windows 10 can bring me. Edit 2: Java 118 64b Edit 3: Sparks.nl`s HWBOT Prime score: 6689.67 pps with a Core i7 6700K
  7. I allready "noticed" the new version. I saw some scores that had at least 5x the normal score at stock then the best score at ln2.
  8. You never tested the cpu when delided?
  9. Thanks, I was wondering what crippled my 6200MHz score...
  10. Where can I find more info about start commands for hwbot prime?
  11. I had 2 defective gtx2 dimms. Taking off the heathspreader showed what was wrong. The pcb was a little bent. It was not straight. Taking of the heathspreader and warming it up was enough to revive one, the other is still defective. On a sidenote: I tried putting on the heathspreader but it died again, when I took it of and heated it up it worked again. Edit: I saw an excellent guide about reflowing them somewhere.
  12. I will test it, I am out of LN2 and Cascade is defective. If it doesn't work I will test my other good dimm.
  13. Yes but it is better then it was before. CBB is not helping either (-125C).
  14. Wellicht dat ik mijn geheugen kit de volgende keer met dimm3 test ipv dimm2. Ik denk dat ik dan iets minder voltage nodig heb.
  15. Absolutely, altough I still had a crack after a while. But I could finally run higher clocks. Thanks for the input. And I foud out that the g.skills are even better then I thought. Maarten
  16. Sold My other kit does 4266 c12-11-11 tight (3 dimms actually).
  17. Pending
  18. Up for sale my Galax HOF #37 DDR4 (B die) kit. I used them only once. I didn't really push them either since I wanted to test my own kit on my new M OCF first. Since my own kit surprised me a lot the Galax kit can go. Asking price is €240 (shipment excluded). Bank payment is preferred. It is the kit from this thread: http://forum.hwbot.org/showthread.php?t=163957
  19. Quick one on ln2 (cpu): Edit: Better picture Sadly I had to stop after this because of a crack.
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