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Everything posted by Lucky_n00b

  1. Bboyjezz and me got our card today, not sure what we can do in 3 days but we'll try our best as always! (oh well at least there's Lucky draw to look forward to haha )
  2. Yeah we're limited by the reference AMD boards, no doubt with board with better power we'll see better OC Anyway, It is said that due to the Threadripper being top binned die, average parts are actually able to hit 4Ghz at 1.32V or even way lower, compared to the average-ish Ryzen 7 that needs 1.4V+ to hit same 4Ghz target. So Best Ryzen 7 parts should be 'average' TR parts (which explains their slightly more aggressive 4.2Ghz XFR bin on TR).
  3. Thanks guys More pics here http://oc.jagatreview.com/2017/07/amd-ryzen-threadripper-1950x-ln2-overclocking-mengejar-skor-cinebench-r15-4000/
  4. If I had to guess, maybe it's the the competition date that's so close to Computex, that made every high-profile ocer attending the tradeshow can't really bench properly during that time. Anyway, I learn a great deal about e-powering the GT 730 during this competition, Thanks a lot to Gigabyte hosting these kind of competition, and to Websmile who's working hard to moderate the competitions. Congratulations to the winners, see you on the Ryzen Competition
  5. I didn't bring my AIO with me to Computex, but I did test it on small tower HSF(the ID-Cooling SE204K). The thermal output from this beast was quite massive, running 4.5G at 1.2v will always resulted in 80+ C temperature range. It was way more fun than 6950X on LN2 though
  6. Thanks, there's still 20-30Mhz left on the CPU I think, need to squeeze those out this weekend
  7. Thx for the explanation, I was getting instability and almost full screen artifact a lot around 1950-ish @ 1.55-1.58v, but never caused the raymarch score to 'boost' like that. If the errors was too much it will simply gave 'driver-revert' error
  8. @ websmile: thanks for the info bruh, I'm already worried that I'm missing a tweak to get those epic raymarch hahah^^
  9. -90 to -95 C for me @ 1.55v, -100 or lower gave me blackscreen crashes
  10. You're awesome man! Congrats
  11. AGESA 1005 subtiming on GBT AX370-Gaming 5 works OK, I just did a quick test for familiar timings (TWR,TCWL,TRRD, TRTP, TWTR, etc), but not touching the extras like ProcODT, TRDRD, etc. This is the example of Corsair Vengeance LPX 3000C15 (Hynix) Geekbench 3 Memory Score AUTO Subtiming: 5169 Geekbench 3 Memory Score, manual subtiming: 5849 The fun is back it seems :D P.S: Full Test Here (Indonesian, google-translateable)
  12. Hi Mr. Chew* Do you mind if I used your screenshot as news item? I'll properly credit your name as source . And also, is the BIOS already available in public? or still in internal testing domain? Cheers,
  13. And this is my old guide, based on MSI's GT 730 1GB GDDR5 model, might help those with the same cards: (in Indonesian but all the pics are in English, also somewhat google-translateable):
  14. 26th May arriving on TPE, and 5th June going back home here
  15. Thanks, it was 1.975V set via TurboV Core (LLC level 4, idling at 2 V if i'm not mistaken). Somewhere around 1.95v the volt scaling stopped, either need better pots(Venom?), or just the chip stopped scaling with volts.
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