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Everything posted by Lucky_n00b

  1. Hahah, actually I did kill this one. Once I go past 1.82V on GT Voltage suddenly the IGP don't want to run at default. But there's overclocker giving 1.9V on the GT and don't kill the GPU, I still wonder how..
  2. Pretty cool slide Looking forward to see Computex and the World Tour this year, hopefully the oc competition schedule is not too tight
  3. How many 845 have you tested bro? I tested 3 and all have similar default Turbo VID at 1.475 - 1.4875V, Rather high compared to some other Kaveri athlons (except Godavari APU 7870k/7890k). Maybe these chips is already running close to its FMax? That would answer why AMD don't release K-version of these Athlon.
  4. @flanker: That 4.6Ghz is SICK man! And Only 1.6V? Mine won't even pass 4.2 for cinebench at that VCore, let's see if I can push it more when there's dry ice around
  5. Sad but true. That being said, if there's a method (like a 'wrapper' Splave said) to correctly determine the maximum CPU or GPU temperature during the benchmark is ran, in which the security cannot be compromised, and the temp sensor can be trusted, it will open up a whole new possibility of an oc competition. (specific temperature-limited competition that's not only XTU for example)
  6. Agree with Pieter. I think a lot of people just know Daniel as 'the guy with the best CPU'. Well those CPU won't be running at its maximum speed by itself right? Even as someone who overclocks daily and doing oc competition as part of my job, I sometimes struggled to put out good scores out of certain hardware configuration. It really took dedication to be pushing the hardware to its limit every single time, both in online competition and live competition - and in that regard Daniel excels in both I got the honor of sitting beside him on the Galax GOC, so I knew that his skill in preparation, setup and handling system is better than most competitive overclocker I've met, should be on the same class as top live bencher like XA and Vivi. Keep pushing it, @Dancop!
  7. That is amazing Fastest AFR ever? Great effort from memory master :ws:
  8. Hahahahahahah just trying to guess how the klevv module will perform tomorrow under the time limit :p
  9. So far, I don't find MSI Non-K BIOS with XP ACPI Support man. You might want to select MPS Multiprocessor mode during the install
  10. @Massman: Question: Would you be able to tell us the OS that the contestant in the MOA Qualifier uses? Or there is no OS limitation and they can use whatever OS? Thanks!
  11. Just in case you guys wanted some reading material, I've just finished my short hands-on article about the X4 845(experiences, settings, thoughts, etc). Article Link Here It's in Indonesian, but I've checked that Google translate works ok-ish, and all the tables are in English anyway. Enjoy and hopefully that info is helpful
  12. Sub 11 Minutes, 4.3Ghz and 1.6Ghz NB :eek: What BCLK did you boot into OS?
  13. FYI, running GPU-Z in the background while selecting 'max' on the logging has little to no performance disadvantages, but just in case you guys don't want absolutely anything ran on the background, after the test is done you can always 'load' the IGP by doing the GPUz render test (the '?' button next to the bus interface). Hope that helps
  14. Just read this (the AMD guide for Family 15h Model 60-6Fh): http://support.amd.com/TechDocs/50742_15h_Models_60h-6Fh_BKDG.pdf On page 85, I saw that on this models AMD might already given some DDR4-2400 support on its DRAM controllers(DCTs). This would pose a problem though, DDR4 has been evolved quite quickly these days, and DDR4-3000 should be found quite easily. Would've been a shame if AMD only have DRAM Ratios up to 2400 while its competitions can do 3600+ daily, really hope for the sake of their APUs AMD support higher DDR4 clocks..
  15. Is there any XP driver for Skylake IGPs?(wouldn't be too surprised if there weren't any hahah ) Or we have to play with win7/8/10 for that 01 stage?
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