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Everything posted by Lucky_n00b

  1. Testing 2x - f u c k turn to bunny - b u l l s h i t turn to bunnyextraction Damn this is fun LOL! :D *why can't it be 'bananas' ROFL :p *
  2. Massman, did you mean there was another version of the 1500 P0-state BIOS?(in which we can change mem freq)
  3. Have you tried installing Intel ME Driver bro? For WinXP I believe that we need to install .Net Framework 3.5 as well.. hope it helped
  4. Hi fellas, Anybody hear anything from MSI about the fix for 'locked' 1500Mhz memory clock on the 680 Lightning? Or have anyone found the method/utility to change it?(aside from changing the BIOS it is) I've been contacting them for this but still no reply T_T Regards
  5. Thanks for pointing that out man, yes i also got way different voltage between BIOS set and actual voltage. (didn't notice it at first ) Will notify MSI for this and hope they listen..
  6. Ouch! How much volts you were using bro? 1.6v ? What about Coldbug temps?
  7. I think my faulty memories were the cause of 'New Memory detected" screen, but if this happens to you also then it probably the 140 BIOS we're using. I'm flashing back to 1.3b5 BIOS and see how things goes..
  8. Ah thanks mate, It seems that I got problem booting with the LN2 BIOS on normal HSF, but the normal booted fine..will try LN2 Next Mine is fine I guess, what problem are you referring to?
  9. Hi, anyone have problem entering the OS with the GPU @ LN2-1500 BIOS on HSF? Do we need to put the VGA to subzero before booting? Thanks,
  10. Daym, as if it weren't enough to let us bench Pi 32M on X79/SB-E, now they give us those hell-ish single sided 2400C11 Kingston RAMs , loooooooool :p Hey Splave, have u tried to put those sticks on cold? Any help?
  11. Even though i sometimes be a 'victim' of sandbagging , I personally don't hate it at all. I mean, If the score I push out myself managed to get beaten by someone else at the last minute, that simply means my score wasn't good enough, right?. Why blame my loss on someone who give the score later than I do?
  12. Just googled what "Sooge Poola" means...ROFL :D
  13. Hiya folks, Just noticed that the contestant page was already up : http://www.msi-moa2012.com/en/champion3.php Will be nice seeing you guys all again :D
  14. Futuremark LOC 2012 official announcement Congrats for everyone and see you in Taipei!! :D
  15. @ CN : Yo Chris, u forgot PINK color :p
  16. Totally agree, I would gladly trade my warranty for a P0-state-only BIOS with constant voltage and a boost clock of 500Mhz from base. But then again, I understand if this is probably difficult for MSI too since they have nVIDIA watching their every move...
  17. I tested with Z77A-GD65, BIOS 10.5, the other system was my 3930K with XPower 2. On the SB-E platform, things were quite 'predictable', and the behavior of the GPU didn't change between CPU on HSF vs CPU on LN2. (Using Gen2 mode btw) But on 3770K+ GD65, when I throw temps like -150 or so, suddenly the GPU acted 'strange', when the GPU got some errors and I restarted, the system will tell u that the GPU is missing (dE Post Code - cmiiiw). To fix this, Usually I had to heat the GPU pot to -20 before it can boot normally again, and this NEVER happens on my X79 system. Will try on both systems again this weekend to make sure.
  18. I can relate to this. When I change CPU from SB / SB-E to IVB, the 'behaviour' of the GPU suddenly change (CB/CBB changed, random crashes,weird score, etc), and all of those did NOT happen when using 7970 Lightning. This is just speculation, but it could be possible that the GTX 680 doesn't like a certain characteristics of some CPU's PCIe Controller under certain conditions(temps,clocks,etc). Looks like the most 'bug-free' way of benching those 680s is using the SB-E based CPU for now.
  19. Gratz man! See U there then ()v
  20. Agree If I'm not mistaken, the default LN2 base GPU clock is 1Ghz, and the boost GPU clock around 1200Mhz. So an offset clock setting of +549 would give us approx. 1550Mhz Base GPU clock, and around 1750Mhz GPU Boost clock. (CMIIW though) *Still waiting for my ABX X_X *
  21. Tried this just now, even with the LN2 BIOS, max vgpu I can give to the card is about 1.32V (1.212 + offset 100mv), nowhere near enough for LN2 action but should be good enough for 1350-1400ish on stock fan I guess Already sent my afterburner extreme request to MSI, hopefully they reply soon
  22. Fight On Bro!! I believe You can do it! ;) LOL soooooo true :D
  23. I got mine just today , but the stock is sooooo limited The real problem is there's no Afterburner Extreme for this card yet (I heard Unwinder haven't even got the card to make the software? but i'm not sure). Anyway, looking at how things were right now, I have little to no chance getting a ticket from any of those categories, but that won't stop me from trying :p (might land me a Lucky draw, or even weekly prize ,who knows LOL) Me 10 bucks to Perica :D
  24. ^^ Whoa, interesting rules there! One can enter from 3 different ways , well thought Futuremark! :D Btw, if Futuremark allow tesselation options to be disabled(which is unlikely ), this should be a good battle between GTX 680 Lightning and HD 7970 Lightning, too bad the Afterburner Extreme for GTX 680 still not released until now..
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