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Everything posted by websmile

  1. Lousay efficiency, Szymon, I have this as well on skylake and wprime^^ - great cpu, potetially no1
  2. The cup did not even start now and you panic? I am quite amused tbh, all changes are already tasked internally for hours now, and stage rules are clear for example on the mobile sandy/ivy. @Taloken SC2-4 are completely linked to ddr generation. If you are willing to develop an amd board with ddr4 in one day, we can delete Haswell from SC1 and use only ddr4 at current gen
  3. OK, I moderated all stages, I was a little bit shocked about the big amount of submissions I had to remove especially at stage 1 geekbench because people used pre skylake hardware with win 8 or 10. Please bother to read the rules, I can only say this again and again. You waste valuable time and LN2 or power for invalid results I have to block because geekbench for example can be affected by the rtc bug, I do not even talk about annoyance for you and for me because it also kills my time . The general result will need recalculation , so stay tuned for final result and announcement, thanks for the biig participation and partially awesome results
  4. I am not sure now you can read - on post #3 I explicitly stated that stage 3 of sc2 is mobile sandy/ ivy bridge... http://forum.hwbot.org/showpost.php?p=451694&postcount=3 On the steamroller, amd has no ddr4 system so we took newest gen they had atm and used this, we also included haswell btw for this which is also ddr3. We thought it is better than skip amd completely from new gen and also included haswell bc we are not sure everyone has upgraded to skylake all over the world already^^ OC eSports
  5. http://forum.hwbot.org/showthread.php?t=158808 post #3 should answer your question, and if you go to the stage directly via eoc sports, you find the correct cpus needed for the stage qdigg I already anwered this above, we need a database fix we now wait for above 2 weeks to correct this...
  6. No, sorry, as well as es - might be annoying but this is in tradition of all our competitions, we do not want 16 core server cpus for example own hwbotprime or cinebench stages, and because of this it is generally not allowed to use server cpus
  7. Family link might come later, for sc2 stage3 refer to the announcement, already answered this and stage description is correct on this if you check it P.S. check hwbot database cpu for bulldozer and piledriver, these are 15h gen1 and gen2 - please keep in mind that server cpus are not allowed for team cup
  8. We have 3-5 stages that need a data base fix we already requested more than two weeks ago... - well, it will come sooner or later, sorry for the annoyance
  9. Netburst 775 MHz, no percentage oc at any stage, it is always raw MHz SC1 stage 2 is full out, only stage where gpu core count is unlimited - I had this question before at another thread and seems to have been not too clear what I answered, I also clarified it there, full out is unlimited. SC3 stage5 seems to be clear, it is one, is there anything I overlook? It is only average of three when we write it on rules explicitly
  10. I hope in a couple of hours and this time no delays ^^
  11. In general, DDR3 is already over-represented because at modern gen we also opened option for haswell for example. I think it is a good decision to limit 775 to ddr2, the socket was introduced in 2004 and there are tons of boards you can use. Everyone has same chance anyway P.S. I agree, Bai, would be better to make specification to the rules at modern gen about Skylake to rule out problems
  12. This is for sure not allowed, because the stages are sorted by Memory type and Legacy stage is ddr2
  13. Will let you know after discussion to be sure, but don´t set high hopes, it would be against the intention of hardware generations for stages because it is too new for "modern gen". I guess there is no doubt skylake is current gen, no matter if ddr3 or ddr4 are used
  14. #1, 6gb cellshock PC8000c4, and #2, Mushkin PC8500c5 2gb, sold and paid
  15. Hi, I decided to sell my ddr2 oc ram, all sticks were tested last days with memtest86 and Spi32m to ensure they work. Please refer to item description for details. Tests were done on a random GA-X38 DS5 with a Pentium 7500 1. 6x1GB Cellshock DDR2-1000 C4-4-4-12 2,3v Three dual kits in original packaging, tests resulted in four sticks doing 1000c4 around 2,1-2,15v memtest and 32m, fifth stick shows a continuous memtest error over same adress but does 32m 1000c4 as well, sixth stick fails specs. So basically I am selling four working and two defective sticks with Micron D9GKX. Please note that one or two of the sticks have classical Cellshock coldboot issue, means they need around 2v for boot. Three original boxes are part of the deal 2. 2x1GB Mushkin DDR2-1066 C5-5-5-15 2,1v Awesome kit, 1333 5-5-5-15 tight easy around 2,15v on P45, I checked on DS5 yesterday and it works flawless. If I remember correctly I did above 1400 c5 Spi32m with the kit once below 2,3v. Bulk 3. 2x1GB Crucial Ballistix Tracer DDR2-800 C4-4-4-12 2,2v Nice lightshow and nice oc, 1000c4 and 1200c5 easy, the heatspreaders were remived by first owner, so if you want to bench them with hs on, you need new pads. Bulk 4. 2x2GB Crucial Ballistix Tracer DDR2-800 C4-4-4-12 2,0v Most likely Micron D9JKH, good sticks for modding or 24/7 oc but these will, like all 2gb sticks, don´t break records at benchmarks. Excellent condition, tested for specs at 1,8v. 5. 2x1GB OCZ SLI DDR2-1066 C5-5-5-15 2.3v One stick doesnt boot on the ds5, second one does 1000 c4 2,1v which indicates micron d9g. I sell these only together with other sticks bc it makes no sense to ship them single. Prices in euros 1. 45 Euros+shipping sold 2. 40 Euros+shipping sold 3. 20 Euros+shipping sold 4. 30 Euros+shipping 5. 10 Euros sold Payment is possible with paypal or western union, shipping will be 7-10 Euros depending on weight (the six cs sticks are heavy) with deutsche post or around 15 with dhl within eu if someone takes all. Disclaimer: private sale, no returns and no warranty provided by me. Please note that this is old hardware, compability might cause problems especially if you are new to ddr2 or have bad boards. On oc, ymmv, but imho it shouldn´t be hard to beat results at good oc board, the ds5 is awesome board for quads but not famous for mem oc
  16. You need to be active on hwbot for at least 90 days - so please wait a few days, then you will have access. It is a safety precaution lots of websites and forums take
  17. I will remove them after end of the competition, I think it was clear enough that these are not accepted, as well as GTX1080. There are 7 divisions with 5 stages each, if I check top 10 only these are 350 results, this is nothing I can do weekly
  18. I agree, still we have the problem that some boards are preferred this way, Asrock reports 4007 for example and even higher as 4,00ghz and Asus as 4,01Ghz already. Well, I guess we have to live with this^^ - what is clear for future is that we want monitoring enabled and visible
  19. On the "average of 3 best" stages we want three different members with different hardware, this is because we want to emphasize this is a team competition. On the dogpile, feel free to submit as much different cpu/vgas as you personally have, it is unlimited amount of subs per bencher as long as it is different hardware
  20. OK, we talked about this and as long as it is at same multiplier, the 4,51ghz cache readout is OK, especially because we refer to the common sense but did not write it explicitly in the rules. As we decided to handle it this way, I also make an exception for the result with hidden settings and monitoring, but only once. To make this clear, hiding settings at an XTU low clock and disable monitoring is no go in the future
  21. Ja, unglücklicherweise gehen wir davon aus dass die Leute die Regeln kennen - aber wie immer sind halt die anderen schuld wenn man trickst und erwischt wird^^
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