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Everything posted by websmile

  1. Yes, I know, but this is because these have physical differences after unlock and it is upgrade from stock, a 4830 or 4850 is still the same videocard no matter with which other card you pair it
  2. to speedfastest and _mat I am not against progress, I am against the mess that this can cause and also the flood of non comparable results. Plus, some benchers might indeed exploit this. If this means we award points and cups for people who buy three 4830, one 4850, one 4870 and a 4890 at 1, 4830 single, dual and tri cf 2, 4850 single, dual, tri and quaf cf 3. 4870 single, dual, tri and quad 4 4890 single, dual, tri and quad cf in various combinations where you use 6 cards and at least one of these, a 4830, is used at four different hardware categories for points results, I am not sure this is an idea I like, and on top I am not sure this helps the intergrity of comparable results at hwbot database. No idea how far this will move with asymetric sli and cf, but another problem is we get in trouble to rate where a card should be listed, when you say ths statitics gives insight into the performance of each gpu, is the stronger (more points achieved at the benchmark result) then automatically the one that will the result be submitted to? And how do we handle this when we have same configuration but these perform different at another benchmark, for example when you have different gen cards like 480 and 570GTX mixed ( this is only an example^^) and in one benchmark 570 is better and second one 480 makes more of 50% of result? I would for sure be interested how this can be handled, and how the benchmarks handles this, but tbh I see a ton of loopholes, chaos and quarrel coming up with this, and there are guys specialized that hard on searching loopholes that we already have a hard time
  3. Check your cooling, apprentice league is usually for chiller or sub zero, maybe you made submission and dialed this in - Leegohoofd will check and correct I see if something went wrong :9
  4. Could be, after I checked the last minute entries and the results are final for me as far as my moderation job is concerned. Awesome job, guys, especially at the top 20s at last check very few results that were invalid - thanks and congratulations to the winner, Hazzan, and all guys that qualified
  5. Good morning, last call, check if you have all necessary tabs at the screens including background, all validations links are OK and are valid (no tiime measurement error acceoted as stated before, I have no problem with vga driver not approved or cpu to recoginized if score is valid apart from this, we had this before) and if all pictures are attached to the subs (memory used, bench rig). I recommend to check rules a last time, make check on the subs, and good luck to all participants
  6. Thanks Pieter, I already removed all non matching results, so your limitations will keep it "clean"
  7. Small heads up, Haswell is Intel socket 1150 and DDR3 - for those who want to post 1151 Skylake results we have the Skylake challenge . Seems a lot of participants confuse this at the moment - 6700K is not Haswell
  8. There were times when all thought this might be an option for the future. Imho, reality now is quite clear, for me it is nothing I would approve, others might see this different, which is why I said that´s the way I would handle it. You are right, we need clarification on this fast
  9. We have not added this rule so far (1.4), it will come and thank you very much that you remind us of this. I can tell how I personally handle this, you only use same cards and same cpus for multi hardware setups(CF, SLI, whatever, also CPU). For me it is the problem that you cannot use hardware in other categories than the one they belong. This means, why should we allow submissions with 4870 for example at 4890 category? Your examples make this clear as well, you submit 2x4870 paired with a 4890 as tri cf 4890 and on top maybe use these 2x4870 paired with a third 4870 and submit with same hardware to tri crossfire 4870? Not fair for me and makes no sense, we cannot gift away points for same hardware at same benchmarks at different category twice or even more often.
  10. Anyway, I forced recalculation on your last 20 scores, if nothing changes, it was OK before - the system is not that easy to understand but you can look at your profile, my points, and there for hwpoints and global/wr for example, there is also a small explanation and a listing of your currently best point results. My pleasure
  11. No strippers for you, Allen
  12. I think your points are ok, you only get points for best submission for each categorie, for your personal ranking only best 20 point result hardware and best 15 point results global/wr plus 10 best competition results last 12 months count. For me your point count is OK after I checked, when you submit 5700k 6600 hwbotprime prime and afterwards 6500, lower sub gets no points, that´s normal. And it also does not level up your submission count
  13. We have to live with the missing recalculation button for the moment, it is annoying but might need some time to fix unfortunatley Maxxking, is all ok now? Recalculation of all results sometimes needs a bit of time, and remember for personal ranking only best 20 personal hwpoint results count, and on global/wr it is top 15 of what you achieved
  14. Mems on cold, Alby? trcd 9 for psc on 1155 2240 is quite awesome if on air^^
  15. Nope - if I see this right above 1500 points you are at 1st league, but you can also be 1st league with less than 1500 points when you have 12 or more top3 competition rankings - you confuse me, or CN does :'(
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