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Everything posted by websmile

  1. Received and answered, mems are pending @Suzuki not tested Edit Sold and payment already received, please close and move - thx for the space, hwbot
  2. Hi, selling a G.Skill BBSE 2200c9 kit, sticks are in mint condition. http://geizhals.de/eu/g-skill-ripjawsx-dimm-kit-4gb-f3-17600cl9d-4gbxmd-a607092.html I purchased the kit a while ago because I saw the SN and thought they might be Hyper IC-based, which is missing on my record, but these are high binned BBSE, so I decided to sell these after fast tests I did on specs and function because I still have a couple of other bbse in my drawer which I don´t use as well Fast tests as proof of life Price 90 Euros/120 US-Dollars shipped worldwide sold Payment is possible with paypal or western union, item is located at germany. Disclaimer: private sale, because of this I rule out returns and don´t provide warranty. On oc, ymmv, I test on air with retail hardware and results should be doable at normal system with matching components though
  3. I have a spare kit of G.Skill Ripjaw X 2200c9 (F3-17600CL9D-4GBXMD) with BBSE, shoot me a pm if you are interested in these, they work flawless and are in top condition
  4. http://www.gskill.com/en/press/view/g-skill-released-its-new-phoenix-pro-ssd-and-series-of-ultra-high-performance-memory-modules-at-computex-2010- Which is a shame because it seems to indicate that lots of people who got these prototypes let them rot at drawers - but that´s typical for gskill^^
  5. Fry it, easier and saves you a lot of unnecessary work
  6. small hint, one minutes has 60 seconds - this takes your target between 7m30s and 7m 35 seconds if I calculated correctly^^
  7. Thanks, Bull and Ivan - in fact I expected to suffer a lot, but honestly this was positive surprise and I had fun
  8. Could be, I saw only 2666 c6 on cold and not too often. Shouldn´t matter too much for "normal" user and ocer though, only very few people bench with mems on cold and there are lots of alternatives. I made a last speed test at 4ghz before I unbuild system, no OS optimizations, board is at least competetive for 2d but still I am a bit slower than I was on last tests by competitor, save settings on mem and voltages
  9. Thanks, the board is better than its reputation at memory oc but Gigabyte still has room for improvement on Bios and compability, I didn´t regret buying it for the test session, in the end I liked it much more than I expected
  10. Happy retirement, I am sure you won´t get lost - see you^^
  11. Not satisfied with my 2000c6, Alex? Send them back, I will send you a triple kit as replacement, one stick fails specs
  12. Yes, it might be my OS or I miss a setting, but I have impression that board is slower on 32m at same settings than asrock and asus, but you never know^^ Now with Timing configurator, 4690K and different mem kit
  13. Thanks, suzuki, I will do a few more tests with other cpu most likely and publish results using timing configurator^^ if I find the time
  14. Hi and welcome to my small thread Lately I remembered how I started overclocking, and that it was on a socket 754 Gigabyte board with Nforce3 chipset. Seeing that i haven´t used a GA board for nearly four years now, I decided that it may be a good decidion to end the oc era the way I started it, and I bought a Gigabyte Z97X SOC Force retail board to do some tests. This is what I got, the imc of this random Pentium 3258K is quite weak, but hopefully I can give you a small overview of what the board can do on mem oc and that I indeed had fun Hardware used: Gigabyte Z97X SOC Force retail, Bios x04 and f6 loaded from internet Intel Pentium G3258K retail Megalhalems cpu cooler Crucial SSD 2x2GB G.Skill 2400c9 retail(PSC), 2x2GB G.Slill RipjawX 2133C8 retail(BBSE) and 2x2GB Corsair Dominator GT 2000 7-8-7-20 retail(Hyper), G.Skill RipjawZ 2x4GB 2400c9(Samsung) for imc and profile tests only Mushkin PSU First I started with f6 Bios which the board was delivered with, unfortunately I wasn´t able to boot twcl6 with any mems and ics, because of this made a fast test on cpu abilities and then changed to Bios X04 I found on the internet, this booted and ran tight settings twcl6 for me Test 5ghz CPU 32m 1,4v mem auto Bios F6 First test I did was on Samsung to see if IMC does 2800, this worked. Samsung result 2800 9-12-12-21 1,99v, loose rtl Then I started with psc, using a kit for pretests 2400-2666 and trcd boot tests, on this imc of the Pentium showed big weakness, stable limit was around 2700 8-12-8, when I tested 2750 and 2800 the vga driver failed at win load, which was clear sign for imc or memory fail, with mems pretested for 2750 32m and higher, the blame is easy to put on imc, which failed same settings at other board as well. All results with all mem kits are obtained with memory and cpu on air cooling normal ambient temps, not all voltages are minimized Due to Bios X04 not working with pentium K core oc from bios, I raised multiplicator with software. PSC results 2667 8-12-8-28 tight 32m 1,77v 2702 8-12-8-28 tight 1,81v 32m Validation 2800 C8-12-8-29 1,89v, 1m worked, 32m failed http://valid.canardpc.com/zh32s1 BBSE result, 2600 worked, 2667 failed boot at any voltage, might have been to lack of skills or imc power but kit ran 2667 tight on various boards and cpu at z77 and z97 on other boards 2600 8-11-7-22 tight 1,88v Elpida Hyper results 2000 7-7-6-20 1,58v not minmized 2200 7-7-6-20 1,75v Generally, the board did a good job and I had lots of fun. Results shown were obtained with only a few hours of testing and a random CPU with not too good imc. I also tested some of the profiles, and I can´t recommend to use these, the samsung kit I used failed both profiles (2666 Samsung profiles) in spite of doing 2800c9 with hand dial and above 2800c9 on other boards, the 2667 tight psc profile set the main timings to 8-11!-8-28 twcl, the trcd of 11 on air for psc might be doable with handpicked vendor kits but for sure not with retail rejects vendors sell^^. The 2400-2600 PSC tight profile was not too bad and proved to be bootable and also might provide help for users without experience Thanks for reading, I hope my small test was fun for you, all hardware used was retail, all results are on air, maybe it can give some support for normal ocers who want to use this board.
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