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Everything posted by Hondacity

  1. awesome desoldering skills @ stunned_guy
  2. animal abuse! I meant silicon abuse!
  3. @hwb crew 3d01 is stage 4, not stage1 @Barisan 1. Those are "gpu" not cpu. 2. Stage4 requirement is that you use non-intel gpu or non-nvidia gpu or non-amd gpu. you can use any cpu. The gpu is where the requirement is.
  4. thanks for the update amd is slow on efficiency and internet lol
  5. you learn fast my friend! yep its just vcore that i play with and lots of vdimm for hypers lol welcome to subzero! good to see enthusiasts from BTUK
  6. check for condensation, 3c is cold enough to create condensation around the socket. i don't think its cold bug..at that temperature the silicon is not affected too much. with the vcore you mention it might be degradation. there are other voltages that you might be pushing too hard. that the system just won't boot from it.
  7. maybe chiller will put the evga ut on it? lol
  8. im happy at the same time sad for the crumbling team. its gravity and karma i guess.
  9. pentium4 is single core. and yes its single core pain for stage3 lol @mchief you can cancel out of the cpu tests when it runs and it will still give you the results
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