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Everything posted by FatBoyNotSoSlim

  1. Bill is jjjuunk
  2. I'm in. EDIT: Haven't really planned anything, as I've got to get the leave approved, for a new job I start in a few weeks time..... Once thats sorted, I can lock in my dates, flights and accom. I'm thinking 30th through to 9th or 10th. Get on that Hwbot tour event, and hopefully smooze my way into some stuff at Computex. Team Supermicro represent!!?
  3. Will trade for 7ghz cpu. (not my money, google image search...)
  4. Dinos random phone photo submissions are the best submissions.
  5. Whats the deal with the slow mode switch? Sent from my LG-H815 using Tapatalk
  6. Double fantastic, will keep any eye open. (Had no clue Broadwell-E was about to drop).
  7. Hey Roman, will you be doing X99 CPUs as well? (or even air pretested ones via Caseking)
  8. Hmmm, maybe it's finally time to swing via Computex.
  9. Hi Leeghoofd, thank you for the clarification and moderation on the results for these stages. I'd like to offer the idea going forward, to have in the submission rules on the sideline, an example screenshot of the applications and tabs available. Here's one I've just mocked up: , with the hope that it links to something like this: http://news.hwbot.org/Content/Verification%20Examples/3dmarkFireStrikeExtremeValidationRules.png (Correct for the stage, competition background and all). With the competitions being spun off to OC-eSports.IO, theres a bit of a disconnect with all the rules and example screenshots living back on HWBOT.
  10. Well if Zeropluszero is your son, and he's Australian, maybe you can get an AU passport and be Australian by technicality, and hence, yes, you won. I would have never guessed that Motherboard IGPU is not the same as CPU IGPU. So if the rules need to be clearer, please make them so.
  11. Quick, bench it like you stole it and then hax0r the database to get your score in. Enjoy the 20min+ XTU runs. They're great for in between gaming, or drinking.
  12. wr verification valid link: https://browser.primatelabs.com/geekbench3/4562609
  13. 6500+ points? oh, so no need my 2800 points then? (http://hwbot.org/submission/3064767_)
  14. But it's always been about getting hardware for every stage and sub Stage (1/2/4/6/8core cpu etc) in order to ensure the best score possible. As for teams not having a 1 core cpu.... I didn't have one either, I paid up the aud$80 for one, to never be used again. Others could have done the same, plenty were on ebay for the whole competition.
  15. I guess thats one way to get a wrecord
  16. Nice work m-a-t-t. 4core good cores for scores. single core worst (s)core. Just think if I slow-mode'd the board, I could have gone to dinner and come back before it completed.
  17. 20mins per run for 1core xtu is a joke.
  18. number one world record, you go dinos22
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