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Win 8, 8.1, 10


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It's not bug, this is the way windows 8 and 10 works now. Let's be realistic, there will be no patch, since this is intended to be like that.


HWbot called it a bug, but it's not. So if no solutions is found HWbot will go down slowly


And how would running it from a booting USB solve the issue? The timing would still go off and the benchmark scores would be incorrect.

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It's not bug, this is the way windows 8 and 10 works now. Let's be realistic, there will be no patch, since this is intended to be like that.


HWbot called it a bug, but it's not. So if no solutions is found HWbot will go down slowly


So you think it is realistic that sometimes you get an insane score increase with lower (b)clocks. that is okay in your book ? Coz it is the way win 8 and co work in your book that makes it justified...


Plz enlighten me how you can moderate such scores ? A score should be linked to a certain important factors so you can verify the validity, and seperate the photoshoppers from the clockers...


Newer benchmarks evolve, the older ones just need a bulletproof OS to work on and that is depending benchmark WinXP, Vista and Win7 for the let us call it legacy stuff... It takes dedication to do all the 2/3D on your hardware...


Believe me HWbot is not going down due to this RTC thingy :D

Edited by Leeghoofd
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As far as I can see your solution effectively involves running the benchmark on windows 7? So that's not a fix for windows 8, that's just not using it in the first place?


I didn't talked about a fix for windows 8, I was talking about an utility boot to run the benchmark on windows 7 without having to install windows it! BTW I run windows 10 not 8

Edited by alamontagne
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Yes I understand it's mot a bug per say but it's a damn sight easier to call it that than the RTC issue or w/e.


And yes we know that they won't release a fix, we also know that on a stock windows install of 8 or newer that it's going to cause issues with benchmark timers.


This we all agree on right?


So why whine about the fact we can't use 8 or newer if you already know all this?

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I see no reason to not use windows 7 anyways. Windows 8/10 are only good alternatives for 3DMark and GPUPI. Anything else will work fine on Win7 and will be supported for a long time anyway. If you just install it once and make images, there's not really a hustle, is there?


Still think HWbot needs to adapt asap

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You think too much, we will never allow Win8 and co for them benchmarks coz some results will be out of bounce. People will trick them to boost the results and our moderation time will double handling all these dubious scores...


Stop wasting your time and install the OS and get movin.


No matter your arguments you will never win this one... decisions have been made after numerous tests and its a no go, we can't accept them OSses in their current state. Nuff said other topic plz...

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You think too much, we will never allow Win8 and co for them benchmarks coz some results will be out of bounce. People will trick them to boost the results and our moderation time will double handling all these dubious scores...


Stop wasting your time and install the OS and get movin.


No matter your arguments you will never win this one... decisions have been made after numerous tests and its a no go, we can't accept them OSses in their current state. Nuff said other topic plz...


But HWBot will die! :eek: :battle:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Got a sub blocked yesterday for realbench V2 by Christian Nay because I was using win 10. Funny there aren't any rules for this sub yet but still got blocked.


I think while HWBOT decides to ban win 8 or newer version it will have a negative impact on trying to recruit new members to the world of overclocking. Imagine you are interested in overclocking but your rig(s) are all setup with win 8, 8.1 or 10 but then you figure out you cant sub any benches except firestrike and xtu unless you downgrade to win 7 or lower or have to buy SSDs to have dedicated bench drives.


I know most benches benefit from older OS but I can't see new recruits wanting to change to an older OS from their everyday rig. Wouldn't it be better to get people addicted by letting them use win 8 or newer, find out others have better scores, and them maybe incourage them to try older OS/tweaking to get them addicted to overclocking?


I think this issue needs to be address soon as running 7-8 year old OS's is quite lame for valid subs. A lot of folks (including me) submit scores without tweaking the rig like crazy and I would like to submit scores using my 24/7 rig running win 10.


Sorry for the rant but just felt like sharing my opinion on the matter.

Edited by marc0053
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It is annoying, but you are mad at the wrong people. If mighty microsoft would bother to command a few guys of their technical staff to code a patch for RTC issue to support 100000 people who are registered at hwbot alone, plus a lot of more hobby enthusiasts testing all over the world, this would be gladly welcomed by all of us. But the simple fact is they give a sh.. about this and rather burn 100s of millions of dollars on stupid investment like buying failed companies than invest fivehundred thousand dollars in customer service for people who buy, pay and use their products.

Edited by websmile
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I don't think his annoyance is totally misplaced. Where is it officially stated that Windows 8, 8.1, and 10 cannot be used? AFAIK, you have to delve through the forums to find a semi-statement on it (like this thread).


A new user may be inclined to check the rules for a benchmark before running, but there's no way they would scrub through the forums looking to see if Windows 10 is banned when, without the proper background, they would never expect it to be.


It's just going to serve to upset them when their first sub is removed.


When I started benching, I ran everything in Windows 7 because it was my daily system. Once I started getting competitive speeds, I started looking into tweaks and that's when I found out that I needed to investigate Windows XP as well. A new user right now would not get that same option.

Edited by xxbassplayerxx
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This is a sticky at forum headlime news, it is top of list when you enter the subforum. I think it can´t be more clear on win8. I agree that it is time to make a sticky at rules section as well and make clear statement that win 10 is not allowed as well, but it will not solve the problem. Rules section on each benchmark has to be upgraded as well in terms of win 10 or not, but if people bench without checking rules, this will not help, if they use win8 or don´t bother to screen cpuz tabs will make no difference^^

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