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The REV4 public test server! (feedback welcome)


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Per application, there can be different global rankings. Each of those rankings can contribute to those top-15 globals. For instance:


S1: E8600 Wprime 32M (2x CPU)

S2: i7 920 Wprime 32M (4x CPU)

S3: i7 980X Wprime 32M (6x CPU)


S1, S2 and S3 all receive a global rank. Each of those scores can contribute to your top-15 global for the personal ranking.



Also true for multi vga (sli or crossfire)?

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I dont do any more oc with di/ln2 ... so what I must do for stay in enthusiast league ? Atm Im ranked in overclockers league, so I must delete my all scores made with sub zero cooling or what ?


If you want to be in the enthusiast league, you must have no scores at all sub zero. But deleting ones you have will damage your team score.

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I liked it better when, on the individual user's submission page, all the benchmarks were displayed. You could just scroll up and down and see the whole world of your submissions. With REv.4 it's a drop down box to select the benchmark. Meh, I can live with it, I just like seeing everything at once.


Also, where is the feature to research hardware? Not your own hardware, but any piece of hardware.


And for that matter, where is the feature to research a benchmark? I can go into my own benchmarks, but maybe I want to look up PCMark7, one that I have not yet submitted. How do I find the rankings?

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i think i am never gonna find those pics........

on that note....why is the pics needed????

i mean what is the logic behind the rule???



many people gonna lose boints if you dont reconsider the rules

Edited by sumonpathak
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I liked it better when, on the individual user's submission page, all the benchmarks were displayed. You could just scroll up and down and see the whole world of your submissions. With REv.4 it's a drop down box to select the benchmark. Meh, I can live with it, I just like seeing everything at once.


Also, where is the feature to research hardware? Not your own hardware, but any piece of hardware.


And for that matter, where is the feature to research a benchmark? I can go into my own benchmarks, but maybe I want to look up PCMark7, one that I have not yet submitted. How do I find the rankings?


- We had to find a solution for the user submission page of the really active people. The longer the list, the more processing power it requires to build the list. People like Turrican have problems, then: http://uat.hwbot.org/user/turrican/


- Researching anything now happens through the single search bar in the upper right corner. This one search bar is the combination of all the search bars we now have on the left.


- Benchmarks can be viewed from the 'benchmark' tab now, or by clicking through from submission pages. Just asked to include the benchmarks in the search field too. In that case, it would just be a matter of typing 'PCMark7' in the search field and one click to get to the benchmark overview page.


Not real important, but the rankings by country don't include the pro guys....is that on purpose?


Still contemplating on this. Should we include them? And if yes, based on the pro oc points, or based on the same 15gl+20hw like the normal league?

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I have a question about the pictures. Should i upload the picture of the graphics card, the whole system or what???


Can i upload pictures with a diferent hardware config? Example for a graphic card benchmark, i have submit a score with a AMD setup, but now i use a intel setup, can i upload that picture???



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sry my English isn´t very good but I will tell you something Massmann.

All my points don´t have a pic. It wasn´t in the rules @rev3. So I lost all my points in beta rev4. This isn´t correct and simply unfair and something more...but I don´t can tell this here. My mom said I must be friendly in the www.


Sry I don´t understand the idea behind the required pics. It´s a rules you can´t control. My opinion is that this rules opened the doors wide open for cheating. Why? Simply, you can´t control. At the moment you see and can compare numerals. How do this with a picture? You see only the moment if the overclocker had taken the pic. Not the time befor and behind. Maybe, this new rule is good for the new scores in the future but is the wrong way for the older scores.


An other thing is that many overclocker lost their points. Its a hobby for the most in the board. And a lot people I think aren´t amused about the picture rule in the EOL. And change a league higher is probably related with a lot of cost. A lot of members are pupils and students.

Edited by 8ykrid
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Not having pictures only means you cannot compete in the Enthusiast League.


The OC league does not need pictures, but you are competing against people who have used sub-zero cooling (Dry Ice, LN2), which is how rev3 is currently.


Just switch your league to the OC league under options.


MM: There's going to be a lot of these comments. Is it worth putting everyone in the OC league by default, then those who want to air/water only move over to the Enthusiast League?

Edit: I mean everyone who is currently 'active' on HWBot (result in past 12mo) goes into the OC league. Everyone else (plus new people who sign up) into the Enthusiast?

Edited by borandi
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Not having pictures only means you cannot compete in the Enthusiast League.


The OC league does not need pictures, but you are competing against people who have used sub-zero cooling (Dry Ice, LN2), which is how rev3 is currently.


Just switch your league to the OC league under options.


I know that i cannot compete without pics in the EOL. Thats my problem and the prob of a lot of other guys. And your solution doesn´t helps me and others!


I know too, that i compete in the OCL with dice and lN2.

The only prob and understand this is the required pic for the older scores. I think is unfair.

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Technically, you don't need pictures with all your submissions. Just the top-15 global and top-20 hardware.




MM: There's going to be a lot of these comments. Is it worth putting everyone in the OC league by default, then those who want to air/water only move over to the Enthusiast League?

Edit: I mean everyone who is currently 'active' on HWBot (result in past 12mo) goes into the OC league. Everyone else (plus new people who sign up) into the Enthusiast?


Yes. We're trying to figure out a way to work around those issues. Your suggestion is a possible solution.

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