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R4.2.4/R4.3: HWBoints finetuning


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Update to TPP rankings:


0 - The concept of the Team League remains the same.


1 - We fixed the issue where uploading a new score could actually decrease your points, as described here, by limiting the amount of scores that receive global TPP to 1 (best of team). This is a similar implementation like the hardware TPP.


2 - We've separated the ranking weight calculation for global TPP and hardware TPP. This allows us to finetune each TPP class specifically and, as such, provide more correct scoring.


3 - We removed the requirement of having at least 10 competing teams before any TPP ranking generates points. Now every hardware TPP ranking will generate at least 5 points for #1; every global TPP ranking will generate 50p.


4 - The maximum points for global TPP is ~ 500p with 800 competing teams. For hardware TPP, the maximum is ~ 150p with 300 competing teams.


5 - The algoritm remains the same: GTTP + HTTP + UP/10. Or: sum of "global teampowerpoints" + "hardware teampowerpoints" + "user points divided by 10".


In practical terms, this update should shift the Teams League more towards the hardware TPP rankings. Note, though, that scoring in the global TPP rankings is important with its minimum 50p for #1.


I'll post a couple of point distribution screenshots to show the effect.


Oh, right. Yes, we're really excited and happy with this finetuning.

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BIG changes so soon after the shakeup :(


I suppose I like that there's some more ephasis on global benching.... but....... :(



Ahhhh.... let's see how it looks after a few months.



Can't you just remove ALL the points and see how things work out then? :)

Edited by K404
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Updated this:


Now every hardware TPP ranking will generate at least 5 points for #1


Right before we installed this release on production, we had a look at the team rankings and made this small update. For all teams with a rank higher than 25, the balance between GTTP (global teampowperpoints) and HTTP (hardware teampowerpoints) is 1/6 or smaller, meaning both have a great influence on your result. For ranks lower than 25, things are a bit more unbalanced, meaning you need more hardware teampowerpoints (ie: strong in hardware rankings).

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A couple of things to check out as well:


1. Competition Points Overview


Go to your user profile, then points tab. You'll see a competition points tab. Click it to get an overview of all your acquired competition points.




2. New Hardware/Benchmark Score Overview


From now on, you will see how you and your team is ranking in a benchmark or hardware ranking just with one click. Go visit one of the benchmark or hardware overview pages (search in top search bar) and you'll see a nice overview of the benchmark records in that class (including your and your team's best score)




3. Benchmark Ranking Target Scores


For every ranking you visit, the engine will give you two target scores: your best result and your team's best result. In other words, everytime you visit a ranking, you will see how you can improve your result in a second.




Have fun!

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FYI, the difference between "shitty overall wr" and a "single gpu wr" is over 100p: 59.8p (eg: 3x CPU wprime) versus 168p (eg: 1x GPU 3DM06).


This is one of the many problems that proves that I was right and 60 Global Point for every WR was a bad ideea: http://hwbot.org/forum/showthread.php?t=34300&page=2


95k 3DMark01 is a spectacular WR that deserves 60 Global Points?

Note that it has more points than no. 7 in single card ranking which is infinitely more difficult to achieve: http://hwbot.org/submission/2213728_splave_3dmark2001_se_geforce_gtx_580_137407_marks


Is it unfair or I'm crazy? :)

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effort * difficulty =!= instant points


Part of the game is identifying where the points are then challenging that record. Not just 'I put 200hrs and $$$ into single card and get less points than someone who ran 4 cards'. If you want to run single card, it's up to you. If you've got access to 2x6990, then it's up to you as well.

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I thought the reason for giving points is to reward a good score, not a category is has absolutely no interest for benching. To bench 4-way in Win7 for 3DMark01 is like competing in the special olympics :)


L.E: You're changing a little the rules of the game. You want to give normal people reason to bench and I get that, but the distribution of points does not reflect the value of score. This is just my opinion

Edited by matose
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Playing devils advocate.... more or less...


If enough guys are tempted by an "easy" 60 global points, soon it will be worth more than 60 points and the level of skill required to get those 60+ points becomes greater.


Why do none of the Pro league (well... why do none of the guys usually associated with the best scores) care about e.g..... 3D01 4x GPU? If it scaled, would there be more interest? Is it because it gives worse scores than 1 & 2-way GPU setups?


There is a WR for it. It's no-ones fault that the bench doesn't scale, so why not work with it anyway? :)


3D03 doesn't scale properly with 3 & 4-way.... but people still bench it.... why? :)




I wonder.... if the 3D01 4x GPU World record was worth 169 points like a usual bench.... how would the leaderboard look in 3 weeks time?

Edited by K404
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