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MSI MOA Americas 2012 on HWBOT - Sharing related posts

El Gappo

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Few days ago we chat in msn....

Do you remember when I told you I just got 15K???(before kill my MB)

Do you remember I told you Gnidaol has a 1650 and has good chance to go?

Is just to remember...

I will not post more at this thread....because I just post in galore...

So...I am waiting my confirmation place to MOA, once I got a place after lots of effort.


Thanks to my friends that understood me, and sorry the broken english if sometime i be misunderstand.

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Just like you I am just trying to say that similar settings cannot prove anything and watching your work for a long time and from all you have achieved and the care you have always shown to comply with the rules I believe your word should be taken as the truth and unless other proofs (that I do not believe can be produced because as you say it is not true) this thing left behind or at least no more doubts should be raised based only on the same reason (similar settings that can be explained by sharing KNOWLEDGE). I am sorry that all this has happened and hope that truth prevails.

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(I'm writing for the second time now hwbot forums took my wall of text away with a error).


I'm really sad now, I'll resume my previous post because I'm really tired of it. For real, I worked hard this month, I spend lots of money, sacrificed my social life, got bumped by my girl, all because I was focused at MOA.

I bought all my gear, I showed you guys the gear I had at the beginning, after that I needed to get one more x79 also got one more lightining and two new cpus. The best memory we can get here in Brazil is from Corsair, since RBUASS is corsair's employee. I aimed for the best I could until the last day I could.

(again I'm just resuming my lost wall of text)

I saved money entire month to be able to do an LN2 session that I always used to qualify for previous MOA. I had really few time to set things up, I preferred to go in a safe way with CPU, I had no time to find the sweet spot for vcore and runned the way I though was stable.

The only thing that I did with RBUASS was to call him and ask if I was missing any tweak during my session. He just told me to lower cpu speed for combined test and after hanging up I got my best and final score. I was running pretty similar to my final score before, didn't change a thing except cpu speed ( Validation: http://3dmark.com/3dm11/3387274 screen: http://gnidaol.com/personal/Benchs/14700x.png ). So it was a really nice tweak.


about the sample received I indeed tried it, but I didn't submitted any score using it, I just used it to keep trying to figure out how things work until my new motherboard arrives. So I didn't used it directly for MOA.


About the watch, we are all overclockers, how many of you guys waste your time setting the time and date at BIOS? My OSes for benchmark never gets into internet, so it should not be taken in consideration. I didn't see any rule saying that I should adjust my watch.


Now just think a little bit, If anyone would share result wouldn't they try to make it the most different as possible? If I shared result shouldn't I have smaller backups that didn't look close so do not attract attention? It's obviously that I was trying my best!

If you get into a contest that everybody uses the same model of motherboard, the same VGA model, the same CPU model, with same benchmarks using the same background wasn't obvious that similar scores would appear? add to that using the same model of memory, I wasn't aware that if other overclock uses the same memory at the same motherboard I would not be able to use my memory at the best speed I could get.


It's really really sad to see my OC skills put into doubt this way. I went to MOA WWF 2010, I didn't make to MOA2011 since my gear for operation las vegas was held by Brazilian customs and now that I already invested hard for MOA 2012 someone is doubting that I benched my hardware and got a good score?? I think that is not fair to use old 3d11 versions but the top scores done the same, is it prohibited? Of course not, it is allowed by the rules! The same rules that I followed!


again I won't repeat all the things I said before (in the lost post), I'm a thousand miles away from home, since Wednesday I was here in Salvador invited to participate in OC demonstration in a huge event and didn't had time to post here before I had slept only 2 hours/ day since I got here. I thought that by now I would be celebrating with the new overclockers that was born today the classification to MOA2012. Instead I'm seeing my work that was validated according to HWBOT rules, following MOA America rules, being said that wasn't me that did it! I can't accept this grave accusation!


I'm a good will person, the kind that avoids the most to get in trouble, confusion, fights, argues, etc. I hate when I see other people being treated in an unfair way, I would never do anything illegal, I would not risk my OC career doing this kinda disgusting thing in the biggest OC competition in the world! I think that RBUASS would not put his conquests to play with such absurd sharing.


I did my score, I own my boards, I followed the rules, if the hardware is similar is because the rules lead us to that and there's no rule to avoid me to use the best timings that I can get from my memory just because other OCer has the same model and the contest makes you use the same motherboard and so on.


On other contests I was required to show video recording of my scores, almost all latin america contests asks for video, I would have recorded it if it was mandatory, but I don't like to see my effort being questioned this way just because the rules seems to not have validity.

What upsets me most is that if some one shared result no one will see because they need to hide it, and honest OCers like me can have the results doubted just because other OCers can't accept that different hardware can be pushed to similar limits.


My result is legit, no one questioned SPLAVE's validation at futuremark that doesn't show CPU and memory clocks, but my score that only looks like someone's else is treated this way. Everybody tried the best for it and so did I.


I did not share any result! I did not go against any rule! My score is legit, there's no rule saying that I can't reach similar levels using the same model of motherboard cpu and memory since it is mine. I'm qualified for MOA 2012 and hope to forget this misunderstanding soon and have lots of fun there like I had in 2010.



I really expect that the truth win this time and really expect that if more lies are spread that the ones responsible for trying to tarnish my image as a honest OCer and above everything a honest man pays for it.

Edited by gnidaol
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Proving HW sharing is indeed difficult. You can be 99.9% sure, but (almost) never 100% sure. The question is more how sure we should be before we have to take action. If we set the bar at 100% it's all in the hands of the cheaters.


When i read this i remenber what happened in LOOC 2010, and if not wrong the only way that you guys were 100% right that the results comes from the exact system was because one of them accepted his fault.

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Wait up a second here .....


Who cares if everthing they used is identical, mobo, ram, cpu, same OS is all allowed only if they did not use same gpu then all is fine.


for 3d as long as they did not share GPU it is legal.


Jesus every comp there is always somebody crying.


Well done Rbuass and Gnidaol.

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Wait up a second here .....


Who cares if everthing they used is identical, mobo, ram, cpu, same OS is all allowed only if they did not use same gpu then all is fine.


for 3d as long as they did not share GPU it is legal.


Jesus every comp there is always somebody crying.


Well done Rbuass and Gnidaol.


you should look before you start generalizing :)

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I honestly thought that Gniadol had beaten me fairly. Until i started getting pm's from people. If it was just the people on my team i would understand that they were just mad that i lost my spot. But these were people that had no interest in my winning. So i was compelled to make a statement to Massman.


Gnidaols first submission




Gnidaols second submission




Did he flash the bios on his motherboard and 7970? And the winning 7970 bios is the same as Rbuass. I have to i have never ever had that much success with 2 pieces of hardware getting flashed and working like that in my entire life of benching. That is a miricle.


The judges will make a decision i am sure next week. IMO MSI really screwed this whole competition up by not making the hardware available to everyone interested. It was an unfair competition in that respect. At the least they should have stated no Lightnings since they were not available to everyone.

Edited by [GF]Duke
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you should look before you start generalizing :)


Look at what, ??? what have i generalized, if they shared gpu then they are screwed, if they have not then all is good or are you just looking to bs at others again Honda you are the worst troll on hwbot.


Where in the rules does it state u cant bench exactly same rig as long as the GPU is differant, HWBOT states 3d no sharing GPU everything else is fine ?



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Chill guys lol, that's my part to get all wound up and start to flame and nag :P


Maybe first run with a regular 7970 ? 2nd run using a Lightning card ?


Darn Duke for your scores : your Pi attempt on Win7 was far from good, normally below 6 mins (why no XP ? ) And efficiency in the 03 was far from efficient either (at least 195K...) That would have brought you the ticket for sure...


Was the GD80 board holding you back with ram clocks ?

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If you had a 5 min 50 run and a 190K plus 03 it would have gained you far more then 2 points man... but it's too late for that


Let's hope things clear up soon... and the truth will be revealed... darn it was such an exciting compo till now...

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At the time it was only a 2 point increase seriously. When all the new scores were being put up i was tore down, my card was soaking wet and it wasn't getting any better. I didn't have a card that could catch Rbuass and Spave and they were the only ones in front of me.

It's over now. If i compete again. no one will see a single score from me until the last freakin 30 mins. If i ever do it again.

Edited by [GF]Duke
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This is another pm i got.


So why isn't the miricle bios used in this new and improved score? All of a sudden cpu screams but no bios change in there.

The scores submitted are incredibly different. GPU bios is different and they are both lightnings.





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1- Gnidaol show pic from his first lightning, that sucks, before competition

2- Gnidaol bought one of my 3 Lightnings, that was pretty good, and its not ilegal

3- We usually bench together, and I teached to the guys lots of things... and will keep doing, because lots of time I just shared knowledge what is allowed (SSD is allowed, ACRONIS is allowed to use, and use same Afterburner Profile still allowed, because he did control his bench, his temperature, his insulation, etc).

4- I never used a new BIOS, but following Gnidaol info, is cleary better than the BIOS I used...just this info is enough to clear that if I have better BIOS, was fight to get more points TO ME and no to Gnidaol.

5- VGA BIOS was provide from MSI...so is SURE we used them.

6- SURE...since I selled the card, I told him what voltages and temperatures and settings "I USED", and its not to do a "overclocking work", because regardless I told what I make, and it not mean that Gnidaol is possible to find better settings, voltages, temperatures and way to bench and improve his own result.

7- There are no reason, no prove, BECAUSE HE DID HIS OWN BENCHMARK, and THIS is the important...with his MB, his SSD, his validation key, his Lightning that he bought (AND MSI BRAZIL KNOWS ABOUT THIS CARD), his CPU (who mind if a regular CPU needs a lit bit more voltage blablabla), and main, his work.

So he deserve to go to Taiwan.

And one more thing...when he make his score I WAS NOT TOGETHER" and is more more than enough.

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Duke;173093']This is another pm i got.


So why isn't the miricle bios used in this new and improved score? All of a sudden cpu screams but no bios change in there.

The scores submitted are incredibly different. GPU bios is different and they are both lightnings.






Don't try to put grey lines...because 1st stage have Spi with almost 1 hour and just get one of the 15 places.

Don't mix the things to force people to believe in this error.

How can you compare 2600K and Lightning, both in the air, with extreme cooling.

Some people here is trying to force others to belive in things thats not real.

I do not want to see you talking....use same blablabla....copy same blablabla.

If to hwbot, MSI, rules and eg, is not enought people to his their own work, to comprove they did, just please turn to mandatory to make a video when benching.

If Gnidaol is a thief here, is sure, did take care and change sucks informations like to change his RAM to C10, to change CPU multi to 54, to blablabla.

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RBAUSS I dont doubt you dude at all.


People will cry always , didnt you know OCing is now full of drama queens and sad sacks


Thanks friend


I am really not worry, because they never will comprove what is not true.

The only thing I am sad is that we should be celebrating, and not replying this kind of insinuations.

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Like i said. I mean no disrespect. I truley believe you. We just need these things cleared. I am not making accusations. I am following up on remark from pm's i recieved.


If it was anyone else here they would do the same. Including you.


Hell i was the first one to congratulate him. I tried to keep this private and behind the scenes but someone had to make it public. Not me. I did not want the drama.

Edited by [GF]Duke
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Now, in a polite way, I think is ok,

Just only for nobody try to force people to agreed wrong arguments.

I think people can back to MOA thread to talk about MOA, and not to accuse without 100% proves...or arguments like to me similar is to be guilty.

Hwbot and MSI always solved this kind of troubles and will be not diferent now.


Sorry the awful english....but sometimes to me is hard to communicate myself out of my mother language

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