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Everything posted by bigblock990

  1. Not delidded, just using direct die pot ontop of the IHS.
  2. Just make yourself usb flash drive with HirensBootCD on it, boot into the linux rescue enviroment, and use Disk Eraser. It accomplishes the same thing, is very easy to do, and you can use it on any pc. No special bios required.
  3. Hey guys, tiny bug with bios 751f and 9900k. If you want to run at stock for testing / os prep ect. You need to load optimized defaults, then manually change vcore mode to offset, leave the offset value auto.
  4. MOCF vrm can handle 9900k no problems. On ln2 no heatsink required, the cold from full pot is enough. However if you are pushing hard on ambient, or even SS then you should use heatsink. Can run without heatsink on air for quick tests fine, but if you benching hard then use heatsink. EDIT: Upon further testing from @Splave, its best to use heatsink on vrm at all times, even under full pot ln2
  5. Maybe if you test this kit for 32m wazza it would generate more interest?
  6. For sure will have to revisit this cpu after the 9900k dust settles
  7. SOLD please close, Thanks!
  8. Small price drop for USA, added international shipping.
  9. Hey all, I have for sale one kit of G.Skill OCWC 16 bdie 2x8gb They come as pictured, no heatsinks. Testing was done with ekwb sf3d heatsinks, X299 ocf, 7740x, water on cpu, fan on mems. 4100 12 11 gb3 1.99v 4000 12 11 32m wazza 1.95v $210 shipped US48 $235 shipped Worldwide Payment via paypal. Thanks for looking!
  10. For recent gens actually retail cpu's have been best. 7740x was only exception where ES was better than retail. 7700k, 8700k, 8086k, 7980xe top chips all retail. I agree with Leeg, no ES in comps.
  11. Good price on a great pot. Better not let this get away george
  12. Vince has mentioned on facebook that he has a new gpu pot in the works tek icon. Supposed to be launching at same time as KPE 2080ti. He also said that tek9 fat will be compatible, and he is making an updated bracket for it. Read the facebook comments when he posted the initial 2080ti scores, if you want to see for yourself
  13. X99 is/was a popular platform. Tons of people have hardware for it. Unlike the obscure junk in your snarky post.
  14. Show X99 some love please Give me a reason to dust off the soc champ and 5960x
  15. +1 for this! However I remember rich saying that was a customized plugin for vbulletin so would need to rebuild new plugin for this forum. So probably won't be implemented anytime soon
  16. Amazing work mat! So great to have a passionate developer active here.
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